法王新闻 | 2004年10月

『大吉岭』主持波卡仁波切的葬禮 • 第二天

『Darjeeling』Presided the Funerary Ceremonies for Bokar Rinpoche • Day Two

Some 40,000 devotees filled the Bokar
Monastery area in Mirik to overflowing
during the visit of His Holiness

时间:2004年10月05日 05th Oct., 2004
地点:印度 西孟省 大吉岭 米丽 波卡寺 Bokar Monastery, Mirik, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India

On October 5 at 5:00 AM, His Holiness led a liturgical practice in the presence of Bokar Rinpoche's kudung. The liturgy consisted of chanting the Kagyu Gurtso, the collected songs of realization of the Kagyu masters known in English as the Rain of Wisdom.

At 1:30 PM His Holiness address the monastics and laity who were gathered at the monastery, numbering nearly 40,000. He then bestowed an Avalokiteshvara empowerment and connected teaching upon the assembly.

From 4:30 PM onwards, His Holiness continued to lead the ritual activities associated with the parinirvana cermonies for Bokar Rinpoche. This concluded the day's activities.


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上一篇:『大吉岭』主持波卡仁波切的葬禮 • 第1天
『Darjeeling』Presided the Funerary Ceremonies for Bokar Rinpoche • Day 1