法王新闻 | 2015年04月


『US Tour』Connecticut Tibetans Receive Blessings, Encouragement from Karmapa


時間:2015年04月08日 08th April, 2015
地點: 美国 康乃狄克州 纽黑文 耶魯大學 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.

As he has been doing all across the country, His Holiness the Karmapa met today with the Tibetan community from Connecticut, which turned out in great numbers to see him and to listen to his warm words of encouragement. Some 375 Tibetans filled the Victorian Gothic chapel at Yale, and were welcomed there by the university’s chaplain, Sharon Kugler.
一如法王噶瑪巴在美國各處必有的活動,法王今日接見康乃狄克州當地的藏人團體。約375位藏人出席在耶魯大學維多利亞哥德式教堂(Victorian Gothic chapel)舉行的大眾晉見,受到校牧莎朗.奎格勒(Sharon Kugler)的誠摯招待;他們熱切的期待見到法王,聽聞法王鼓勵的話語。


After a brief speech by Namlha, the president of the Tibetan Association of Connecticut, His Holiness the Karmapa spoke from the heart to his fellow Tibetans.
會中,康乃狄克州藏人協會(the Tibetan Association of Connecticut)會長南拉(Namlha)簡短致詞後,法王接著給予藏人同胞由衷的開示:

“As Tibetans,” he said, “we are all joined in sorrows and joys. Our situation is difficult, in some ways even desperate, and so it is important for us to come together, encourage one another and express the affection and love that we feel for one another.”

Echoing a theme he had touched on in earlier meetings with Tibetans living in America, the Gyalwang Karmapa noted how often Tibetans had come to take for granted the unifying leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He observed that in his own case, it is only upon profound reflection that he had begun to recognize how inexpressibly fortunate Tibetans are to have him as their leader in such times.

He urged those present to make special efforts to preserve Tibetan language, culture and religion. Although this is a responsibility we all share together, he said, those who live in exile had far better conditions to do so. Those who enjoy better conditions should be doing more, the Karmapa said.

After concluding his talk, His Holiness the Karmapa was requested to bless and sign a large cloth image of the Potala Palace in Lhasa. He did so, bid those present a fond farewell and departed for the next activity on his full agenda at Yale.

To host the special event for local Tibetans, Yale University offered the use of its Battell Chapel, a 19th-century memorial chapel built to commemorate those killed in the Civil War. The audience for Tibetans was held with support from the Yale Chaplain’s Office, the Yale Himalaya Initiative and the Department of Religious Studies.
這場活動由耶魯大學提供場地,並由耶魯校牧辦公室(Yale Chaplain’s Office)、耶魯喜馬拉雅運動(Yale Himalaya Initiative)和宗教研究系協助舉辦。

The university community in general had undertaken special efforts to welcome and include Tibetans in the events surrounding His Holiness’s visit. When the Karmapa initially arrived at Yale earlier this week, the president’s office had arranged a special reception by Tibetans employed by the university. Today, the university chaplain, Sharon Kugler gave His Holiness a warm welcome upon his arrival at the chapel, and in his address to open the Chubb Lecture on Tuesday, Jeffrey Brenzel, Master of Yale’s Timothy Dwight College, had particularly welcomed the Tibetan community to the event.
耶魯大學全體師生歡迎藏人參與法王的耶魯之行,用心可見一斑:本週初法王抵達耶魯時,校長辦公室特別安排在耶魯任職的藏人歡迎法王;而今天法王抵達教堂時,受到校牧莎朗.奎格勒的熱烈歡迎;週二法王在進行喬伯(Chubb)得獎人演說時,耶魯提姆西懷特學院(Timothy Dwight College)院長院長傑夫瑞.伯瑞州(Jeffrey Brenzel)也特別對藏人的蒞臨表示歡迎。


上一篇:『美国行』耶魯大學 • 乔伯奖演说
『US Tour』Yale University • Speaking on Chubby Lecture