法王新闻 | 2015年04月

『美国行』康乃狄克 • 與前受刑人並肩種樹

『US Tour』Connecticut • Planting Trees with Ex-convicts


時間:2015年04月08日 08th April, 2015
地點: 美国 康乃狄克州 纽黑文 New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.

His Holiness the 17th Karmapa put on gloves, hefted a shovel and planted trees on the streets of New Haven, lending his own efforts to the nation’s growing urban ecology movement.
法王戴上手套,扛起鐵鍬,在紐黑文(New Haven) 的街道上種樹,以親力親為的實際行動,支持全美日漸盛行的都市生態運動。

His Holiness this morning joined a group of men rebuilding their lives after serving prison sentences, sharing with them the task of bringing new life to the streets of the city. The activity formed part of Yale’s Urban Resources Initiative (URI), which employs ex-convicts and urban teenagers to work on environmental projects across the city. As such, the program supports two major aims dear to His Holiness the Karmapa: environmental protection and social justice.
今天上午,法王加入一群回歸社會重建人生的前受刑人,共同為紐黑文市的街道帶來新的生命。這項活動由耶魯大學「都市資源運動」(Urban Resources Initiative)主辦;「都市資源運動」僱用前受刑人與市區青少年,執行市內各地的環保計劃,而這項計劃的兩大目標,正是法王心之所繫的環境保護和社會正義。

In his talks to university students across America, the Karmapa has been advocating greater awareness of our deep connectedness to one another and to the planet, and more fully assuming the responsibility that those connections imply. He has also been emphasizing that our sense of responsibility must manifest in direct action. Today he vividly demonstrated his commitment to those principles.

Although His Holiness the Karmapa conversed with the ex-convicts as he was introduced to them one-by-one and later as they worked side-by-side, he gave no general talk. Rather, his teaching this morning was wordless, as he extended his hand in friendship, hauled buckets of water and shoveled compost shoulder-to-shoulder with men whose life experience differed so greatly from his own.


Among URI’s various programs, the Greenskills program that His Holiness the Karmapa joined trains community members, ranging from urban youth to ex-convicts, in ecological skills, including tree-planting. With links to various institutions, URI illustrates just how mature the urban ecology movement has become in the United States. Housed at Yale University and involving Yale students as volunteers, URI also partners with the City of New Haven.

The Greenskills program began in 2007, partly in response to a backlog of requests by residents of the city for street trees. Through URI, New Haven homeowners can submit requests for the city to plant trees on their property, and URI then deploys its teams to complete the work orders. His Holiness the Karmapa joined the team as it was assigned to fulfill one such petition.

As His Holiness the Karmapa and the rest of the crew toiled in front of a house to plant a tree, the owner of the property stood on her front lawn, watching the work crew plant new life in her front yard. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she offered the Karmapa a bouquet of tulips, and sought to express in words her joy and amazement at her good fortune to have His Holiness blessing her home and her family by planting trees on her property.

When the tree stood firm in the ground, the men requested a photo with His Holiness. They shared a final moment together, posing for the camera, and then shook hands one last time, their joint labor complete for the moment. The Karmapa departed to tour the East Rock area of New Haven, leaving to nature the task of strengthening the roots of what had been planted, and watered and nourished together that day.
當小樹挺立於地時,工作夥伴們要求和法王合影。在相機前,大伙兒擺好姿勢,共享最後時光;最後一次握手後,勞力合作就此圓滿。法王接著前往紐黑文的東岩(the East Rock)地區參觀,遂將照顧小樹的後續任務付諸於天地。



可能发现是个有文化的;还是个名喇嘛的弟子;而且关了两个礼拜都没找到有不良恶习的把柄,担心会说出去吧。就找了个白人妓女,抢Bamboo的东西,还报警诬陷Bamboo“推她”,赶来的警察以“不听警察教训为由”,给戴上手铐抓走。先是在一片漆黑的禁闭室关了几小时,见没什么反应;就投进监狱,让在冷得要死,只能坐在冰冷的铁椅上的 等候室里冷得发抖了几小时;之后,再把Bamboo和一个整晚都在疯狂骂隔壁不知谁的壮女人关在一间全部包了铁皮的、没有窗户、完全隔音的牢房里一整夜,还只能睡在她的上铺。第二天见没挨打、安然出来后, 就安排跟二十几个因吸毒和打架被抓进来的女犯人们一起,挤在一个狭窄走廊上一上午。结果Bamboo还是没事,那群全是黑人和拉丁裔的女狱友们对Bamboo都还友善。

过了24小时,终于等来了法庭的判决。在法庭上,Bamboo不允许说任何一句话,只能远远地看到一个白人男子在嘈杂的屋子里对着张纸念了一通,好像判决了很多人。 Bamboo身边站了一个了无生气的华人男子,机械地中文翻译道:“暂无罪名起诉你,但保留以后起诉的可能性”。

法庭判决后,在一份"No Charge"的文件上签字时,Bamboo问这个办公室里的一堆法院工作人员:“我能告警察吗?”他们理都不愿理地回答“不能”;再问:“有没有什么途径 能告的?”这些人直接回答:“没有。”

里面有个狱友也提醒Bamboo:只要进过一次监狱,以后都会被无限制、无理由地随便抓进监狱了。本来Bamboo是没打算再去美国,但是大宝2018年后,都‘待’在美国, 为了见他,Bamboo才忘了危险,准备再去美国,结果导致十年美国签证被注销。去不了美国是无所谓,但这张能免签去最多国家的性价比最高的签证被注销,才真的可惜。


所以,所谓的受刑人和前受刑人,并非是因为真的做了错事或坏事才被关,而是因为他们是有色人种、穷人或底层、好欺负的人罢了,又或是“还未被完全掌控的人”。(2025年01月31日, 02月04日updated)



当从照片里大宝身后的那扇玻璃小门里被放出来时 ,门口让签字的警察还对Bamboo说,“离开美国时,必须要先来这里跟他们报备以后住哪里,否则就逮捕!”Bamboo奇怪地问:“我回中国呢?”法院警察神气地说:“也要报备!否则在中国也 一样逮捕。”Bamboo再用英语问:“如果去其他国家呢?不知道会住哪里。”那个警察 顿住了老半天,最后说:“去其他国家应该不用吧。”所以,Bamboo拿不到印度签证,就飞去了免签的尼泊尔。

话说,狼狈为奸的蛤蟆精政权和台湾人的这个策略是很高明的:想要灭了谁,或捏住谁,就送他或他的家属去美国。第一次能安然自己回来,就让再去第二次...(2025年01月31日, 02月04日updated)


『US Tour』Connecticut Tibetans Receive Blessings, Encouragement from Karmapa