法王新闻 | 2015年04月
時間:2015年04月07日 07th April, 2015
地點: 美国 康乃狄克州 纽黑文 耶魯大學 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.
In advance of his afternoon Chubb Fellowship Lecture, His Holiness spent the first part of the day touring Yale’s historic campus and meeting with students engaged in environmental projects.
在發表喬伯(Chubb Fellowship)得獎人演說前,法王參觀耶魯大學極具歷史意義的校園,並與推展環保計劃的學生進行互動。
His Holiness the Karmapa began the walking tour by entering through Phelps Gate, the grand entrance to Yale’s Old Campus where all incoming students reside for their first year at university. He paused at the base of the iconic statue of Theodore Dwight Woolsey, Yale’s president in the 19th century and founder of the university’s School of Fine Arts. The raised foot of the statue was burnished from centuries of students touching it for good luck, and His Holiness stretched out his hand, adding his touch to that of successive generations seeking to polish their collective knowledge.
法王的校園導覽始於「菲爾普斯門」(Phelps Gate),這是進入耶魯舊校區的大門,所有的大一新生都住在這個校區。法王在西奧德.懷特.伍爾喜(Theodore Dwight Woolsey)的著名雕像前駐足;伍爾喜是耶魯大學19世紀時的校長,也是耶魯大學藝術學院的創辦人。雕像翹起的腳,數百年來在學生為求好運的觸摸下,顯得光滑油亮。如同歷屆追求精益求精的耶魯學生一樣,法王伸出手來,為它再添光亮。
As His Holiness the Karmapa and his guides meandered leisurely among the fine examples of 18th- and 19th-century architecture, a fine mist initially lent atmosphere to the walk, and later gently hastened the group toward the final stops on this walking tour of Yale’s important historical buildings: the Sterling Library and the Beinecke Library.
法王在嚮導的帶領下,悠遊於18和19世紀風格的精緻建築物之間,濛濛薄霧中,來到校園重要古蹟導覽的終點站:斯特林圖書館(Sterling Library)和貝內克珍本與手稿圖書館(Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)。
Christine McCarthy, the chief conservator in Yale’s preservation, conservation and exhibition services, conducted a private tour for His Holiness, offering the opportunity to view an ancient papyrus manuscript. Along with a general presentation of the work done at Yale to restore and conserve ancient manuscripts and books, she demonstrated tools that conservationists can offer to surmount the challenges of preserving old books and manuscripts that had survived long centuries in Tibet’s arid climate but were later taken to the monsoon climate of India.
耶魯大學保存和展覽服務的主要負責人克麗絲汀.麥卡席(Christine McCarthy)為法王進行私人導覽,並向法王展示古老的紙莎草紙手稿。除了介紹耶魯大學對古籍手稿的重建和保存外,她還向法王示範天然資源保護論者經常使用的工具,它們可以用來解決保存文物上的挑戰,例如具有數百年歷史的古籍和手稿,從西藏乾燥的環境被帶到雨季潮濕的印度後,所面臨的保存問題。
After walking across to Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, His Holiness viewed an original Gutenberg Bible and other important early books, accompanied by the director of the library, E.C. Schroeder, who described for him the purpose and function of the library. The 17th Karmapa then proceeded to an exhibition that had been prepared especially for his private viewing. There, 11th-century Sanskrit manuscripts were displayed alongside illustrated Tibetan manuscripts, along with numerous rare thangkas. His Holiness was consulted on the identification of figures in several thangkas, and asked to see the inscriptions on the reverse of several.
接著,法王前往對面的貝內克珍本與手稿圖書館。館長舒德(E.C. Schroeder)向法王介紹這座圖書館的目的和功能,並向法王展示原版的古騰堡聖經和早期重要的書籍。之後,法王參觀特別為他所準備的一項展覽,展出的內容包括並列的11世紀梵文手稿與藏文手稿,以及許多稀有的唐卡。有人請教法王幾件唐卡中的人物,還請法王看幾個唐卡背後的題字。
Upon concluding his time with the rare books and artwork, it was time for students. Eleven students from Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies spent an hour and a half expressing their aspirations and concerns about environmental issues to His Holiness, who listened attentively as they presented their projects to him. A human rights activist from the Congo spoke of his work on behalf of indigenous people’s rights, while other students spoke on such topics as biodiversity and food security, climate change and disaster risk reduction and environment and human health.
參觀完珍稀古籍和藝術品後,接著是與學生的互動。在接下來的一個半小時中,法王凝神傾聽來自林業和環境研究院(School of Forestry and Environmental Studies)的11位學生,輪流向法王表達他們對環境問題的願望和關切。一位來自剛果的學生,向法王說明他為原住民伸張人權的活動,而其他學生提出的計劃包括生物多元化、食品安全、氣候變遷、降低災難風險、環境保護和人類健康。
Their shared passion for protecting the earth rang through clearly as they spoke, and served as the perfect clarion call to convoke His Holiness’s Chubb Lecture on the environment, which took place shortly thereafter.