法王新闻 | 2015年04月


『US Tour』Commences Four-Day Environmental Visit to Yale


時間:2015年04月06日 06th April, 2015
地點: 美国 康乃狄克州 纽黑文 耶魯大學 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.

His Holiness arrived today at Yale University at 5 pm, and immediately embarked upon a full evening’s program.
法王今日下午五點鐘抵達耶魯大學(Yale University)後,旋即展開整晚密集的行程。

The Office of the President of Yale had arranged a special welcome reception for the Karmapa: the university counts among its thousands of employees a total of eight Tibetans. Those eight, along with their immediate family members, were invited by the Office of the President to give His Holiness a traditional Tibetan welcome on behalf of both the university and the Tibetan community. During the emotional reception, His Holiness granted each Tibetan an individual blessing, gave a name to the newborn child of one of those present and took a group photo with the Tibetans.


Next was a welcome dinner hosted by the steering committee of the Yale Himalaya Initiative, including George Joseph from Yale’s Office of International Affairs, Sir Peter Crane, Dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, as well as other faculty from the departments of public health and religious studies.
接著,法王前往「耶魯喜馬拉雅運動」(the Yale Himalaya Initiative)指導委員會為法王舉辦的歡迎晚宴。出席人士包括「耶魯國際事務辦公室」(Yale’s Office of International Affairs)的喬治.約瑟夫(George Joseph)、彼得.克蘭爵士(Sir Peter Crane)、耶魯林業與環境研究院(the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies)院長,以及公共衛生系和宗教研究系的教授。

From there, His Holiness proceeded to Kroon Hall, which serves as a “showcase of the latest developments in green building technology” and houses the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. Following that, His Holiness the Karmapa attended a lecture on Himalayan geography, and with that, an intensive first evening on campus was successfully concluded.
晚宴結束後,法王直接前往庫倫館(Kroon Hall),出席一場關於喜馬拉雅地理學的演講。庫倫館是環保建築最新科技的展示中心,同時也是耶魯林業與環境研究院的所在地。庫倫館的訪問結束後,也為法王在耶魯校園的第一個晚上畫上句點。

Tomorrow, His Holiness will continue this environmentally-focused university visit, meeting with students engaged in various environmental initiatives. In the afternoon, he will deliver a lecture entitled “Compassion into Action: Buddhism and the Environment to a sold-out audience including university faculty and students in the 2,500-seat Woolsey Hall. (The university has issued important guidelines for those planning to attend the lecture. Read those guidelines here.)
翌日,法王將繼續在耶魯進行以環保為主題的訪問,會見推行各項環保運動的學生。當天下午,法王將在耶魯大學的伍爾喜館(Woolsey Hall)發表公開演說,講題為「化慈悲為行動:佛教和環境」;目前為止,伍爾喜館兩千五百個席位已全數售盡。此外,耶魯大學將頒發法王喬伯獎(Chubb Fellowship)殊榮,以表彰法王在環保領域的卓越領導。

The 17th Karmapa is being awarded the prestigious Chubb Fellowship in recognition of his achievements in the area of environmental leadership. His Holiness the Karmapa’s visit to Yale is being co-sponsored by the Chubb Fellowship, the Yale Himalaya Initiative, the Department of Religious Studies, and the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
