法王新闻 | 2003年07月


Tour of Shimla area of Himachal Pradesh

His Holiness Karmapa with the Governor of
Himachal Pradesh (July 8, 2003)

尊貴的第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴鄔金欽列多傑應邀訪問印度喜馬偕爾邦(Himachal Pradesh)首府西姆拉。邀請單位是印藏友誼基金會(Indo-Tibetan Friendship Foundation),西藏政府各組織,寺院和學校。

7月5日,6 am法王由少數隨從陪同離開上密院乘渡船12:15 pm到達西姆拉。西藏流亡政府當地官員在巴魯甘吉(Baluganj)迎接並獻哈達。然後去寧瑪派的道場圖登多傑札(Thubten Dorje Drak)寺,那裡是為接待法王而設的接待中心。住持哲楚仁波切(Tsetrul Rinpoche)歡迎法王並獻哈達之後,僧眾喇嘛們為法王舉行隆重的西藏傳統迎接儀式,當地政府官員和信眾都參加。哲楚仁波切為法王獻上身口意的供養之後,法王返回居處休息。

7月6日9:40 pm,法王離開圖登多傑札寺前往西藏流亡政府為藏民辦​​的中學,他們以尊貴的達賴喇嘛生日會的貴賓身份接待法王。西藏政府官員袞嘎多傑(Kunga Dorje)致詞表示迎歡和介紹生日會,其他致詞者有印藏友誼基金會(Indo-Tibetan Friendship Foundation)祕書長奈吉(VSNegi)教授。法王觀賞當地婦女和學生表演後,為大家開示。

12:15 pm,慶典結束。 3:00 pm 法王返回圖登多傑札寺。

應藏族老人院(Home for Tibetan Senior Citizens)的邀請,法王口傳紅觀音法,並作殊勝的開示告訴大家未來生活中什麼應該接受,什麼應該拒絕,聽眾聽了非常歡喜。

法王在為大家加持之後,拜訪了大登彭措林寺(Dakten Phuntsok Ling Monastery)是嘉華覺囊巴(Gyalwa Jonangpa)的主寺。住持向法王獻供曼達(Mandala Ceremony),供養身口意之後,供養茶和飯。法王並應各高僧的請求,口傳第十三世噶瑪巴堆督多傑所著《見修行之歌》(A Song of Understanding,Experience,and View-Tib.go nyams lta bai glu)。他為大家講解佛法和現代生活之道。聽 眾們為法王唸頌蔣貢康楚洛卓泰耶(Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye)所著的《祈願覺囊法教增長》(An Aspiration for the Expansion of the Jonang Teachings-Tib.jo nang bstan rgyas smon lam)之後,法王返回圖登多傑札寺休息。

7月7日,9 am, 法王慈悲授予「阿彌陀佛長壽法」灌頂,並解說法要。下午,法王拜訪西藏難民自助手工藝會社(Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Handicraft Society),並為大家加持和祝福。他參觀了印度邦政府高級研究院,結束了一天的行程。

7月8日, 9 am,法王離開圖登多傑札寺,在納德拉(Naldehra),庫佛利(Kufri),和雀勤(Chail)觀光,中午在雀勤大旅舍中用餐,喜馬偕爾邦首長維士諾沙達西科傑(Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje)前來歡迎。

7月9日,6:30 am,法王離開西姆拉回上密院路上,在漢密爾(Hamir)喜馬偕爾旅遊中心用午餐,下午2 pm左右回到上密院。

At the invitation of the Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society and area Tibetan settlements, His Holiness toured the Shimla area in July.

On July 5th, His Holiness arrived and was greeted by local government representatives at Dorje Drak Monastery.

On the next day, he was Guest of Honor at the Central School for Tibetans, where he was welcomed and addressed the large crowd who had come to celebrate HH Dalai Lama’s birthday with the Karmapa.

His Holiness gave teachings and empowerments at local monasteries, such as the Dorje Drak Monastery and Jonang Taranatha Monastery,

and also made visits to the areaTibetan Senior Citizens’ Home, the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Handicraft Society,

as well as touring the Indian Institute for Advanced Studies.

On July 8, while visiting the renowned Chail Palace Hotel, the Karmapa met with the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje.

His Holiness also visited sites in Naldehra and Kufri before returning to his temporary residence at the Gyuto Tantric College on July 9.