法王新闻 | 2021年02月



༸རྗེ་བརྒྱད་པ་མི་བསྐྱོད་ཞབས་ཀྱི་རྣམ་ཐར་བཀའ་ཁྲིད། བདེ་བྱེད་མའི་དཔྱིད་ཆོས་ཉིན་བཅུ་པ།

尼泊尔 竹清仁波切的Tekchokling尼寺

時間:2021年2月27日晚上10:30-11:30(北京/台北/香港) February 27, 2021
English text source from: aryakshema website

Part 2: Mikyö Dorje’s Invitation to China

English Translation Audio




之前有讲到米觉多杰有被中国的皇帝迎请,他首先被丽江的土司迎请,隔年被明朝的皇帝迎请,给大家看一下迎请米觉多杰的明朝皇帝长的样子。 他是明朝的第十一位皇帝,叫正德帝——明武宗朱厚照。他出生1491年10月27日,到1521年4月20日。第七世噶玛巴确札嘉措曾说:如果噶玛巴只有一位的话可能无法使佛教广弘,因此需要有两位噶玛巴。有这样的一个预言。而在当时也流传着一个说法:正德帝就是噶玛巴的一个化身。

The Seventh Karmapa, Chödrak Gyatso, said that in his next life, if there were to be only one Karmapa, he would not bring great benefit to the teachings, and, in one text, he predicted two Karmapas. Accordingly, some people said that the Ming Emperor Zhengde, also known as Míng Wǔzōng (1491–1521), was an emanation of the Karmapa.


Mikyö Dorje spoke about this topic in the autobiography he wrote at Namtö Mountain:
Then the victorious Chödrak Gyatso said, “To protect the teachings of the Buddha In this world, emanated bodies As both the emperor and as the one he revered. “If the teachings are not protected by power, The unvirtuous actions of degenerate people will not be tamed. In the future I will simultaneously emanate bodies As the sponsor and the object of his worship. “And thus, sustain the activity,” he said. Accordingly the Chinese emperor Zhengde said “I am also an emanation Of the Karmapa.”


In any case, it is said that Mikyö Dorje’s birth in 1505 and the emperor’s accession to the golden throne occurred on the same day. The emperor had an interest in many different religions, including Islam, and a great interest in Tibetan Buddhism, too. He gave himself the dharma name Dàqìng Fǎwáng, which translates to “Glorious Jewel” and had a stamp of it made. Additionally, there are stories that he wore the robes of a Tibetan Lama, put on a black crown, and said, “I am the Karmapa.”



From the time of Karmapa Deshin Shekpa, there was a tradition of the Karmapas and the Ming emperors sending messengers to each other and making offerings. In particular, during the time of the Eighth Karmapa, Emperor Zhengde said, “In the west, there is a nirmanakaya of Amitabha. He has come for my sake, so he must be invited to China.” On the emperor’s order, a great caravan of ministers, eunuchs, soldiers, monks, and porters, bearing offerings: ritual objects made of gold, silver, and various kinds of jewels; robes; and seats; tea, silks, sandalwood and untold other offerings, in total over 70,000 people were sent to deliver the invitation. [The west here refers to west of China, i.e., Tibet.]


This is mentioned in Mikyö Dorje’s autobiography: Bring from the west Amitabha’s emanation to benefit me, Who is known as the rebirth of the Karmapa, Back to the great palace.”

同样一段历史在明朝中又是怎样记录的呢?我们也应该要知道,不然我们藏族在历史文献里是写得好像很厉害、很了不起(Bamboo:藏人习惯在文字记录中造假),但是从中国的历史来看是不是真的这个样子?很多时候写得并不一样。如果汉藏之间的历史文献相互都能够知道的话,这很重要,就能够情况更清楚。在明朝的一个叫《明实录》中有这样一段记载:当时皇帝身边亲近的人就对皇上说,有西域的一个胡僧可以知晓前生、今生和来生。我想这样来写,或者指的就是“杜松虔巴的转世遍知三世“,所以这样形容他。接着,这些人就说:当地的人就称赞这位僧人为活佛。于是皇上就下旨要调查。跟皇上报告的人是谁呢?就是第七世噶玛巴派去中国的一个弟子。当时中国皇帝还不相信他,还要把他关到牢里,关了几天。后来皇帝才相信他真的是确札嘉措派来的,就问了他。那么这个董嚓国师就跟皇上报告。所以这里《明实录》里「当时亲近的人」指的就是这个第七世噶玛巴的弟子——董嚓国师。接着回到《明实录》怎么写的:皇上听闻之后就下旨调查永乐宣德年间邓成、侯显奉命出使去迎请噶玛巴的这件事情,调查出来当时是 “以珠琲为幡幢,黄金为七供,赐法王金印、袈裟及其徒馈赐以巨万计“(以许多珠串装饰幢,以黄金制成七供,赐予法王金印、袈裟,并赐予其随行徒众数目极大的巨资)。你看那时候为了迎请,真的是有带好多的供品,不仅是对法王,甚至对法王身边的人都供养。接着又说"内库黄金为之一匮(官府内库的黄金因此而竭尽)",你看中国历史也是这么写的。接着皇帝就命令刘允以"十年作为往返的期程"等,有这样的一段记载。(Bamboo批:据Bamboo观察,藏传佛教的确是有修化身的密法,化身的各方面素质以及才能都和本人一模一样,命运也及其相似。达赖喇嘛几十年前也曾修过一个化身在中国内地,Bamboo还是不说这个人的名字了,免得给已泯然众人耳的此人带来灭顶之灾。不得不说,鸡就算得到了《葵花宝典》,修出来的化身也还是鸡。

His Holiness explained it was important to compare both the Chinese and the Tibetan histories in order to establish what happened, as they sometimes differ.

One history of the early Ming dynasty records that people in the emperor’s quarters told him that a monk in the west knew the three times– past, present and future–and this was probably Dusum Khyenpa. They reported that people from the backward regions said he was a nirmanakya or living buddha. In the Tibetan histories, someone called Domtsa Goshri was the first one to inform the emperor about the Karmapas. He was given the title Goshri by the Seventh Karmapa Chödrak Gyatso and sent to China. At first, he wasn’t believed, and they put him in prison. Later, however, they believed him and released him and questioned him about the Karmapa and they developed some interest. The Chinese histories record that during the time of Yongle, he sent envoys to entreat the Karmapa to come to China, and made extensive gifts and offerings, so many that he actually emptied the treasury. The emperor set the envoys ten years in which to accomplish their mission.


However, the Tibetan histories say that Mikyö Dorje had no choice in the matter. The command from the emperor was so forceful. He thought that if he refused to go, the emperor’s soldiers would abduct him anyway and take him to China, which does suggest, the Karmapa commented, that the figure of 70,000 might be true.



The huge retinue halted and made camp at Rabgang, so as not to offend Tibet. The great encampment sent a welcome party as was customary, but the Chinese minister in charge did not let them enter. Rather than go in person, he sent his officials with an invitation letter to Mikyö Dorje, who did not accept it. He probably sent three or four parties to the encampment, but Mikyö Dorje did not accept the invitation.


Finally, in 1520, the minister himself went to deliver the invitation. On the first day, the minister himself saw Mikyö Dorje and offered him a khata and so forth. The next day, the emperor’s invitation itself arrived, and Lord Mikyö Dorje, as was the custom that had been previously written down, went to receive the letter itself and accepted it. The next day, the offerings from the queens, princes, ministers, and most of the other offerings arrived, which were to be later arranged as offerings to the encampment’s shrine. However, when he first met the minister, Mikyö Dorje saw signs that the omens were not good. Then Avalokiteshvara appeared to him in a vision and said that the emperor had passed away so he should not go. So, he declined the invitation to go to China.


这毕竟是皇帝的诏令,如果请不到可不行,所以这个太监就想尽办法要去请。他的一个办法就是贿赂了那个嘎千大营的总管,当时米觉多杰才十一、十二岁,他就跟总管说好“你也帮忙,这样我未来会给你一个国公巴的官职”。他们两个人谈得很好,好像西藏谚语说:“凉粉加肉拌得融洽”,凉粉跟肉是很配的嘛。总之他们两个人说好了,要跟米觉多杰说:“如果你不去的话,几万人带来的供品你就拿不到的。”当时嘎千大营里有许多重要人士,像是蒋敦巴、苏芒瓦、凌度司、蒋莫国师,总之所有僧俗的重要人士都聚集在一起开了会,他们就说“该怎么办呢?这次噶玛巴应该是不会答应、不会去的。我们该怎么办?我们应该要怎么说呢?应该回复说「未来在一天良辰吉日时会去的」,我们就这样子说。而且那些供养是要收的,收还是该收的,因为不收的话也不符合礼数的。那些使臣呢,很幸苦,我们也给他们些礼物,不让他们空手而回。然后也要给皇帝一封告示,就是以噶玛巴的名义回复一封信。这样子再把其他人遣回,他们也不会被惩罚。” 因为如果有米觉多杰一封信,这些迎请的人也好交代。至少带了一份信回去。大部分迎请的人都回去了,但是留下两位小太监继续迎请,总之这些人讨论后有这样一个决议。他们就跟噶玛巴报告,噶玛巴后来也跟使臣说:“这次呢,因缘是不具足了,为了避免你回去被责罚,我也会想办法帮你一下的。”但这个使臣可完全不接受这个说法,他就在那儿摇着头说:“不行、不行。”因为那个宦官他内心觉得是一定请得到的,我连总管都贿赂了嘛,再加上贪功的心“我可把噶玛巴请到了”,所以他就故意面露不悦,说“不管你去还是不去,反正我要派兵把你藏康九州都给灭了“,说完他就回到离大营两个亿丈外的一个地方去了。


Mikyö Dorje was only in his teens at that time, so the Chinese minister had tried to bribe the Karmapa’s steward with gifts. He promised the steward that if Mikyö Dorje were to go to China, the steward would be rewarded with a high rank – guó gōng or duke. The two agreed that if Mikyö Dorje did not go, the offerings not be given to Mikyö Dorje until he agreed to go. Mikyö Dorje was adamant that he would not go because the omens were not good, but in order for the envoys not to get punished by the emperor upon their return, Mikyö Dorje promised that he would go at a later time. The minister did not accept this, took back the offerings, and threatened to destroy Kham. Meanwhile, he plotted with the steward how they could abduct the Karmapa and force him to go to China. Fortunately, the plot was discovered and Mikyö Dorje was whisked away to Central Tibet and safety.


Mikyö Dorje recounts this in his autobiography: Seventy thousand messengers of the great lord of humans Came when I was fourteen years old. They ordered that I go immediately To be the Chinese emperor’s guru. At that time, I was not yet an adult, And even if I were, I did not have in my being Even a fraction of the qualities To be the spiritual master of a nirmanakaya emperor. I was discouraged and despaired of my karma—What is the fault whereby I had such a title As being known as the Karmapa? They supplicated me repeatedly, Saying I do not have the power To go above the emperor’s envoy. They planned to take me, and at that time, I refused very earnestly. The retinue of the emperor’s envoy Became haughty and departed.


So, eventually ,the envoy had no choice but to leave. Yet, it did not turn out well for them. On the way they were attacked by bandits,many soldiers died, and the offerings were lost. As it turned out, not long afterwards, the emperor passed away and there was a new emperor who had no faith in Buddhism, so Mikyo Dorje’s journey would have been pointless. The eunuch envoy was almost executed, but then he was demoted and made a gardener. Many natural disasters occurred in China, and it was said this was because the minister had not given the offerings as the emperor had decreed and because the Karmapa was displeased.


The biography reads: At that time, the emperor, lord of humans, The propulsion of his life exhausted, passed to a different realm. At that time, even had I gone, There would have been no point, other than weariness. It is not that I had the ability and power To accomplish the great emperor’s wishes But did not. Since I lacked the ability To accomplish them, O emperor, Whether you are an emanation or not, If there is any wrong, I confess. Please forgive me. His Holiness drew some general conclusions from these events.




They show the true character of Mikyö Dorje. Although he faced a lot of criticism for not going to China, not accepting the many offerings and so forth, in fact this is an example of his having no attachment to the eight worldly dharmas. He did what was in his heart and mind. He would not do something because someone made offerings to him or because, as in the case of the Ming emperor, they were important or famous. From the time he was young, he was different and self-determined. He really stood on his own two feet no matter what others said. He used his intelligence to examine a situation, and then act according to his own insight.






When we look at the life stories of great beings, we might sometimes wonder why they did something they did and think that it would have been better for them to have done something else. But, when we look at people, we can only see the external appearance. When we consider the deeds of the gurus, we sometimes fail to understand, questioning what they are doing. However, later we realize that these great masters did the right thing and were examples to us. Sometimes, it may even take a couple of centuries to understand the many situations and know that what they did was good.

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