法王新闻 | 2020年02月


The Superior Trainings in Discipline and Samadhi, His Holiness Teachings on Gampopa’s Ornament of Precious Liberation

時間:2020年2月15日 February 15, 2020
中譯: 堪布羅卓丹傑
英译: kagyuoffice.org。


English translation
藏文原音 Tibetan


今天是课程第二天,在课程还没开始之前,先要跟大家说一声“抱歉”。那么昨天有谈到我自己有蛮长时间都没有这样子的上课,以前上课前面都是有人的,比较会有感觉,因为能看得到对方。讲话的时候也有一种 比较想要讲法的动力,因为你看得到前面有人。像这次的课程前面什么人都没有,没有这样子讲说的经验,所以没有办法说的很满意。所以要跟大家说一声“不好意思”。我们延续昨天讲到的部分。

His Holiness resumed his exposition of Chapter 11 by reading the opening section on the precepts of engaged bodhichitta: The precepts related to engaged bodhicitta are threefold: (1) superior training in discipline, (2) superior training in mind and (3) superior training in prajna. Thus the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment says:

Keeping the vow of engaged bodhicitta, practising the three trainings, having correctly trained in the three aspects of discipline, respect for the three trainings will be great.

He explained that distinguishing between the three trainings, also throws light on the Tripitaka [the three baskets of the Buddha’s teachings—the Vinaya, the Sutras and the Abhidharma]:
这个就是主要的主颂。昨天主要谈到了三学,或许昨天听完课之后,大家对于什么是”三学“有了个主要的认识。首先你知道了三学的重要性,如果你不懂得”三学“是什么的话,也没有办法真正了解什么 是”三藏“。为什么呢?因为”三藏“指的就是”经(Sutras)、律( Vinaya)、论(Abhidharma)“。这”三藏“也就是在分别讲诉、阐述”三学“。

When we teach the meanings of the three trainings in different ways that gives us the tripitaka… the scriptures which primarily teach the superior training in discipline are the Vinaya; the scriptures which primarily teach the superior training in samadhi are the Sutras; and the scriptures which primarily teach the superior training in prajna are the Abhidharma.

He pointed out that non-Buddhists have trainings in discipline, samadhi and prajna, either partially or wholly, and they also exist in secular life. A person who makes a promise or vow to give up eating meat is training in discipline. These days, people who have no faith in dharma or even religion, meditate. Research scientists in all fields are involved in deeper and deeper analysis of phenomena.
”戒、定、慧“这三学或者某一部分外道都会提到的,甚至一些没有信仰的人,他们也会谈到”戒、 定、慧“的。举例来说,有一个人说”从今天起,我要吃素“”断肉吃素“。这个也算是一种”戒“。(就像现在很多人推广这个像”禅修“一般的”瑜伽“,然后变成像商品般的贩卖。他们为了得到一种身心的放轻松,把禅修和 宗教分离开来,现在有很多这样子的课程。或者说现在有很多这样子的按摩。你到了这样子的店里去看,哎,怎么还有佛像?还以为是进到了”佛法中心“。但是看了以后才发现,这并不是”佛教中心“,这只是一个 按摩的地方。所以有的时候“佛陀”的像已经变成一个“身、心”放轻松的一个象征。Bamboo注:这段英文稿里没有。)所以现在那些“非佛教徒”或者“没有信仰的人”他们也会谈到所谓的“戒、定、慧”。甚至讲到“智慧”方面,科学界来讲,“物理学”、“化学”、“生物学”、很多 这些科学家也都不是有宗教信仰的人,只是一般人,他们也在学习这样的智慧的。

Hindus have fasting vows, Jains uphold a very strict discipline of ahimsa [non-harm] and even during the time of the Buddha there were Brahmanic religions in India that taught dhyana. Before his enlightenment, Shakyamuni learned how to practise dhyana and meditation in the Brahmanic tradition with Ārāḍa Kālāpa and Udraka Rāmaputra. It’s necessary, therefore, to establish what is distinctive or ‘superior’ about the Buddhist trainings in discipline, samadhi and prajna.
或者就外道来说吧,过去在印度所谓的“外道”,非佛教的教派,比如说“印度教”,他们也有持守“斋戒”。(印度教有“空腹戒”,耆那教持守非常严格的“不伤害戒”。Bamboo注:这句英文 稿有,中文翻译里没。)(或者像“裸形外道”,他们也会持守各种很狭隘的“戒”。我也看过很多这些裸形外道,他们都没有穿衣服,不管白天、晚上,都是光着身体的。同时他们不能搭乘任何交通工具, 不能搭车搭飞机,只能走路。所以他们有很多这样子的“戒条”,也在持守着。事实上现代要做到几乎是不太可能的。(Bamboo注:这段英文稿中没。中文翻译里有。) 甚至在佛陀在世的时代,当时的婆罗门(Brahmanic religions),他们也有修持“四禅天”“五色天”的各种的禅定(dhyana)。譬如说佛陀还没有成佛之前,跟随“忍土”“拉锯”等外道学习,依止他们为上师,学习禅定,所以“定” 也是有谈到的。同样,在梵语,这些因明学也好,声明学也好,因明、量学、天文、历算、很多这些,你看到在外道,他们都有学习的。因此在这里所要谈到的“戒、定、慧”,或者叫“三增上学”,或者叫“三 无漏学”,总而言之,这样子的三学,在佛教里是超胜于外道和没有信仰的“戒、定、慧”。这样子的一种“三学”,到底它的本质是什么?里面又有什么样的分类呢?

First, their order is according to the relationship of cause and effect.

The first training is necessarily in discipline, because, as Nagarjuna said in his Letter to a Friend, “Like the ground for all that moves and does not move, discipline is the basis for all qualities.” Because of discipline, His Holiness explained, we can develop the samadhi of our mind resting in equipoise, and because of samadhi, we can develop the prajna that liberates our mind.
第一个谈到的“戒增上学”可以说是后面两个学处的基础。所以龙树菩萨在他的《亲友书》当中谈到,”众德依戒住,如蒂长一切。“这段意思是什么呢?就是人也好,大自然的一切,山河大地,都是在这大地上。同样, ”戒“就如同大地一样,它能够长养出”禅定“”智慧“,所以”戒增上学“是放第一个的。

A. The Bodhisattva’s Training in Discipline 大乘的戒学

Training in discipline is often defined as developing the intention to abstain from harming other beings and from the bases of harming others, but this is primarily in terms of the discipline of the sravakas. The training in discipline of the bodhisattvas has three divisions: the discipline of refraining from harmful acts; the discipline of gathering virtuous qualities; and the discipline of benefitting sentient beings. His Holiness detailed these:
接着,什么叫”戒学“呢?戒就是断除”害他“和”害他的心“。所以在《入菩萨行论》中提到”断尽恶心时,说为戒度圆“。我觉得这样子的一种说法,主要指戒律中的“律仪戒”来说的。因为并不是所有的戒都主要依止在 “断除恶心”的基础之上。比如说,“菩萨戒”,或者说“绕益有情戒”,它的基础并不是“断恶心”,而是“具有利他的心”是它的基础。还有在《律典》和《俱舍论》当中,谈到“别解脱戒”,它是“有色法”。还有月称论师的一部 《五蕴品类论》当中也谈到,这个戒它是“有色法”的。尤其是被第八世法王——米觉多杰所赞叹的一部论典叫《直贡。。。。》当中也谈到这个戒,它是属于“无表色”。这里的戒并不都是以“断尽恶心”为基础的。这 部分在之后的戒律品中会详细解释。接着我们说“大乘的戒(菩萨戒)”分类有三种:律仪戒、摄善法戒、绕益一切有情戒。当我们谈到大乘的戒,就会有这三种分类。

1. The discipline of refraining from harmful acts

When a householder has the pratimoksha vows, or a monastic holds the bhikshu or sramana vows, these are the actual discipline of refraining from harmful acts. We then have to consider what counts as discipline. The essential factor is not necessarily the vow but the intention. The intentional wish to give up killing is discipline but merely not killing is not discipline. Cows, for example, do not eat meat but they are vegetarian naturally so that is not discipline. Discipline generally means something that we are specifically keeping. So laypeople that have taken refuge and keep the refuge precepts are observing discipline, even though they do not hold pratimoksha vows. The essence of non-harm is to give up the ten non-virtuous actions, the essence of which is giving up the seven non-virtues of body and speech. Then again there are people who have given up taking life, even though they do not hold any vows. His Holiness suggested this might count as the discipline of giving up harming others, but needed further investigation.
什么叫“摄律仪戒”呢?是指具备了“别解脱戒”(pratimoksha vows)的“居士”,或者持比丘或沙弥戒的“出家众”。另外还有指天神,虽然他们的天身是不能成为 别解脱戒的所依的,但是他们断舍了自性罪,比如和“别解脱戒”相符的“十恶”它都断除了,所以他/她可以算是具有“别解脱戒”。一般来说“律仪戒”分为小乘的律仪戒和大乘的律仪戒。总而言之,它有很多种不同的分类。 这也是各位要知道的。但是在这里,一般来说,是刚刚这样一个解释。你可以透过仪轨得到”律仪戒“,也可以不透过仪轨得授”戒“。一般来说,”戒“是你在一位上师前,依托仪轨,得授”戒“。但不完全是这样,譬如说, 我内心发愿说”不杀生“,你有这样子的一念”断舍杀生“的誓言,或者这样一个想断舍杀生的心,这样也算是”戒“。但是仅仅不杀生,不代表这是”戒“,而是刚刚谈到你想要断舍杀生的”心“是最重要的,而仅仅是不杀生 这并不算是持戒。你看牛,它是不吃肉的,不能说它是在持守这样的”戒“的,因为它就是没有吃肉那个心,一出生它就不吃肉,它没有那种动机,它也就没有断舍这种食肉的心。戒就是你内心要刻意地持守某个 戒条,刻意地发起这样的心,这才叫做”戒“。那么讲回到所谓”律仪戒“的时候,从动机上来分的话,有断舍”恶“的十戒;或者以身口来分的话,就是断舍恶的七种戒。一个没有持守别解脱戒的在家人,他们虽然不具备 别解脱戒的本质,但是他们皈依了三宝的话,他们可以算是具备了”别解脱戒“的。这里谈到的”摄律仪戒“就是想要断”恶“的心,持守那样的戒,就叫”摄律仪戒“。另外一方面,我们谈到皈依,如果有人没有 皈依三宝,但是他/她断舍”杀生“,这种算是一种”律仪“,但是还不算是”摄律仪戒“,总之,”律仪“和”戒“这两者的关系还要再做深入的研究。

2. The discipline of gathering virtuous qualities

This is the virtue of not giving up the six transcendences [perfections], His Holiness elaborated, but rather stabilising your practice of them and increasing them. We need to be committed to all types of virtuous action—listening to the scriptures, reciting texts, circumambulation, prostrations, meditation—whether they are large or small, a gram or a kilogram of virtue, each one counts. We gather virtue according to our own capabilities. The Karmapa cited the Geluk practice of reciting a puja before teachings in order that no internal or external obstacles or adversities would arise. If you do not do this your studies will not go well. Study is a dharmic activity and many adverse conditions can affect its efficacy, he warned. Some we recognise, but some we only recognise once they occur, when it’s too late.
什么叫做“摄善法戒”呢?以升起、或驻留、或增长“六度”的各种善行,叫做“摄善法戒”。譬如说,当你在听闻和思维佛经的时候;当你在课诵的时候;或者绕塔的时候;礼拜的时候;总之不管“善小” 还是“大”,你都尽力地去行善。就叫做“摄善法戒”的意思。无论“善大”还是“善小”,你都要去行持。平常你在课诵、礼拜或者在做一些佛事的时候,都算是“摄善法”。尤其在辩经场上有一种说法是, 你的学习要能够如法、要学得好,你就必须要做同等量的佛事,或者“念诵除障”。“念诵除障”会帮你的学习更好。因为你的学习辩论,是符合佛法的行持,这样的行持内外就会有很多的障碍,有的时候这些障碍是你看得出来的,有的时候是 看不出来哪些障碍。发生了、经历了才发现,就太迟了。这就是障碍。所以,为了要预防各种障碍的升起,所以要多做些“课诵”,如除障的念诵等等。

3. The discipline of benefitting others

Refers to benefitting sentient beings in 11 different ways: a)helping others in need; b)showing a method or way; c) benefitting; d) benefitting those distressed by fear; e) benefitting those who are overcome by grief; f) benefitting those deprived of things; g) benefitting those who are settling in a place; h) benefitting those who wish harmony of mind; I) benefitting those who are acting properly; j) benefitting those who are acting improperly; and k) benefitting through miracles.
指的就是利益众生的戒。一般来说,有11种绕益有情的方法:1帮助众生、2教化众生;3报恩;4帮助众生从恐惧中出离;5消除精神上的痛苦;6扶贫;7给予依处;8随顺众生;9赞叹入 正道者的功德;10挽救入邪道者;11神通度化众生。

Bodhisattvas are committed to work for the benefit of others as strongly as if their hair were on fire. It’s their job. This is extremely important. When we talk about the work of a bodhisattva we often think in terms of the 18 primary downfalls of the Bodhisattva Vows. However, this list details their work exactly.
我们说一个菩萨救度众生的迫切就像“如救头燃”。就像头在烧起来一般。他/她是很急迫的,她/他主要的责任就是要利益众生。所以“绕益有情”对于一个菩萨是非常重要的一件事。 当然前面说到“律仪戒”有18个根本堕罪,但对菩萨来说,真正绕益有情、利益众生就是这里所谈到的。

a) Helping others in need

If others are in need, when they need help, or there is an opportunity to help them, if you do not help them or you postpone helping them, or you help them in a way not concordant with dharma, this is a fault. On the other hand, if helping them would harm others or harm dharma practice, and you do not help for this reason, you do not incur a fault. If there is no difficulty or no extenuating circumstances, failure to help is an infringement of the discipline.
当众生需要帮助的时候,如果你不帮他的话,譬如说你可能延迟了,或者不帮他的话是不行的。或者说你帮了对方,却用了些不如法的方式,跟佛法相违背的方式,也是不行的。但如果因为帮了他反而伤害了其他的人, 或者不如法,这种情况是可以不帮的。不然,只要别人需要帮助,(如果没有困难或痛苦的情况,)你不帮助他那都是不行的。(大家休息一下,喝点茶)

His Holiness cross-referenced this to Chandragomin’s Twenty Verses on the Bodhisattva Vow. When helping others you should not pressure them to accept your help. You must also act in a way which accords with the dharma. However, if you do not help them because you hold a grudge or resentment, or if you are lazy and slothful, all of these incur faults.
我觉得帮助众生就跟《菩萨戒二十摄颂》这部论谈到的”于应助伴不往助“关联性的。特殊状况是,如果自己的身心不适,那也没办法帮忙。但如果你的身心是OK可以的,你就应该帮助别人。还有一种情况是,如果 他已经有人可以帮助他了,如果你是在那边抢着,争功一般的去帮助别人,这也是不好的,不需要的。总之是如法的,符合佛法的。还有当有众生需要帮助的任何时候,你都应该要帮助别人。如果对该帮助的人有 仇恨,不想帮他是不行的。或者是很懒散,算了,懒得去帮别人,这样也是不行的。除了自己是身心不适;除了是已经有人在帮助对方;再除了是不如法的状况;都是应该要帮助别人的。

b) Showing a method or way

Sometimes people are in situations when they don’t know what to do and they ask for advice, so it is important to advise them in a heartfelt way with a wish to help.

When someone has made a wrong decision or would be doing something which would be harmful in future lifetimes, unless there are extenuating circumstances, giving them advice is important. If you refuse to give advice out of laziness or a negative attitude towards them, you have broken the discipline. If you do not know how to advise them, there is no fault. But in such a situation you should direct them towards someone who can help. Further, if you refrain because you know that the advice you give would not be beneficial, because of a particular reason, there is no fault.
这是一方面的一个解释。再来,跟《菩萨戒二十摄颂》所谈到的”不于放逸说正理“的意思是一样的。是说自己是一个菩萨,(Bamboo评论:听到这里,Bamboo想说的是: 自己不是菩萨,自己是蠢驴。)身心状态也是可以的,看到对方今生做了个错误的规划,做了个事情是有害于他的来生的,等等, 这样一些时候呢?你就必须要给予对方开导。你这样做是错的,那样是对的。这是很重要的。如果是因为自私和仇恨的理由不帮助对方是不行的。也不可以因为放逸、懒散而不帮对方。有的时候,你想要为他做些开导, 但不知道该说些什么,如果是这样的情况,也是可以的。你可以说:你去找另外一个人,他可以给予你开导。这也是可以的。或者有的时候,你的一些开导对他起不到帮助,这种时候,不说也是可以的。

c) Benefitting

His Holiness suggested that this is probably the same as ‘not helping in response to someone’s action’, in Chandragomin’s Twenty Verses. It refers to repaying kindness shown to you. If you have made the commitment to be a bodhisattva, and another has helped or benefitted you in the past, if you fail to repay that kindness, out of malice or anger, laziness, or sloth, it is an infraction of the discipline. If you would like to help but you are prevented from helping by circumstances such as lack of time, there is no infraction.
这跟《菩萨戒二十摄颂》里“不于有恩做仇报”意思是一样的。当你发心成为一个菩萨的时候,过去曾经帮助过你,但是你却有恩不报,反而是“以怨报德”,甚至带着仇恨之心,而不去帮助 对方;或者是因为懒散而不去帮对你有恩的人,是不行的。或者有的时候就是因为你时间不够,没时间或者没空,那这样子是可以的。或者还有其他的原因,如果有的话,不帮助有恩的人也是可以的。是有特别的开许的。

d) Benefitting those distressed by fear

e) Benefitting those distressed by grief

These two overlap. In Chandragomin’s text they are covered by ‘not dispelling another’s sorrow’. If we abide by the bodhisattva vow, we need to help those who have great fear or mental suffering. It may be after the death of a close relative, or it may be mundane such as a great loss in business, perhaps bankruptcy. If we do nothing out of anger, resentment, sloth and so forth, it’s a fault. It is not an offence when the intention is there but you lack the ability or the skill to help.
第四个和第五个都可以包含在《二十摄颂》里的“于他有苦不为拔”这是不行的。“他有苦”可以是心理上的痛苦或者是心理上的恐惧。当他有这样子的苦的时候,因为你自己身为一个菩萨了,你已经持守了菩萨戒了。 (Bamboo评论:Bamboo记得自己好像没正式受过菩萨戒,以后也不打算去授这个戒了。因为帮助别人,应该是内心自然而然的。而不是受什么戒条的约束,被强迫地去做。所以除了最基本的“皈依戒”,以及 出家人最基本的“近事男女戒”,别的戒如“五戒”等最好都不要授,只是把戒条内容作为参考,指导一下自己的行为。授了,受这些条条框框的约束,反而做不好,成为一个脱离实际生活的“怪人”;授了而不做, 又违背了自己的誓言,也会有不好的结果。)所以,你就必须要帮助别人消除那样的痛苦。举例来说,对方可能是和家人、亲人在一起而痛苦;或者可能是生意上、工作上,生意失败啊这样的痛苦等等,无论 任何的痛苦,你都要想尽办法去帮助对方。不然,你是带着一个嗔恨心,仇恨心,或者是懒散的心,而不帮助对方的话,这些都是有罪过的。也有些情况是没有罪过,譬如说自己的能力不够;或者你想要帮助对方, 只是自己能力不够,而其他人比你更有能力,所以请求别人去帮助他。那么这样子也是可以的。

f) Benefitting those deprived of things

This refers to those who are in need, without food, clothing, shelter, and so on. If we hold the bodhisattva vow, we should give whatever we can. If there are extenuating circumstances, if it is inappropriate to give or if giving would cause great difficulties for them or us, there is no offence.
没有这些资具的;无依无靠的;生活是很匮乏的;没有衣食的,这样子的人呢,因为自己是个菩萨,是个领受了菩萨戒的人,你就应该尽量地去扶贫,救助他们远离饥渴、匮乏。如果是带着嗔心,或者是懒散而不帮助 这都是不行的。开始的情况是,如果你自己没什么财力;或者有些情况是不适合让别人知道你的财力,而无法给予;或者是给予、布施了之后,反而造成对方更大的痛苦,如果有这样子的疑虑;同样,通过布施,不但 让对方,也让自己造成一些困扰的话,这种情况不给予也是可以的。

His Holiness postponed commenting on the remaining five.

In summary, he concluded: Bodhisattvas only have one responsibility — to accomplish the benefit of sentient beings, and so they engage in the three aspects of the training in discipline. The differences between these are primarily in function only – in essence they are the same and are all contained in the Bodhisattva Vow.
总而言之呢,这里谈到了有11种“绕益有情戒”,这是一个菩萨该有的行持。我们身为一个菩萨,事实上菩萨唯一要做的就是利益众生,他的戒就是“绕益有情戒”。前面我们谈到了三种戒,摄律仪戒等等。简略来说, 什么叫“摄律仪戒”呢?主要断除了“十恶”这些自性罪。“摄善法戒”是指说,修持“六度”这些善法。“绕益一切有情戒”主要以利益众生为主而持守的戒律。你会看到这三者主要是作用上的不同,但从菩萨戒本质上来说,这 三者是不相违背的。

His Holiness then explored the role of these in the Vajrayana:

The three types of discipline are not only important in the causal vehicle of the Mahayana, but they are also important within the secret mantra Vajrayana. As it says in the tantra of the Tip of the Vajra: ‘Steadfastly uphold the three disciplines; the precepts of moral discipline, the gathering of virtuous qualities, and benefitting beings’.

Within the three lower classes of tantra, the primary vow is the Bodhisattva Vow. If you hold the pratimoksha vows and the Bodhisattva Vow there is no particular tantric vow to keep. But in the unexcelled tantra —Anuttarayoga (bla-med rnal-‘byor rgyud)—there are vows. Although there are different ways in which this described and explained in different Vajrayana traditions, this is how it is described in Kagyu and Geluk, and particularly in the presentations of Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, and the Great Karma Thinley’s Karmashingta [The Chariot of the Karma Kamtsang]. These three types of discipline are important to practice in the resultant vehicle of the secret mantrayana.
一般我们谈到密乘的时候,有分四部密续,前面三个密续当中,是没有持守密乘戒的。下三部密续最主要受持“别解脱戒”还有“菩萨戒”就可以了。这下三部密续并没有特别提到要具备“密乘戒"。除了到了上部密续,就是 《无上瑜伽续》才谈到了要持守"密乘戒"。所以,下三部密续,你可以看到最根本就是”菩萨戒“。当然对于不同教派,又有些不同的说法,但是格鲁派和噶举派是这样子认为的。像是我们噶举派第八世法王噶玛巴 他的弟子——噶玛钦列巴大师,第二世噶玛钦列巴他的见解中认为,下三部密续是以菩萨戒为基础,不需要具备密乘戒的。总之刚刚谈到的这三种戒律,到了密乘也是非常重要的。

B. The Superior Training in Samadhi 增上定学

His Holiness then moved his focus to the second training – the superior training in samadhi—and the difference between samadhi and shamatha.

Samadhi is one of the five mental factors, it refers to the ability to rest one-pointedly on an object, and the superior training in samadhi aims to develop a one-pointed volition that focuses one-pointedly on a focus. At this stage, samadhi can be short or long.

The second stage is being able to rest one-pointedly on a virtuous object for as long as you wish. Being able to rest in equipoise on a focus for as long as you wish is known as the one-pointed mind.
这里的专一不在乎时间的长短,如果你能够专一地安住在一个”善所缘“上,不散乱,这个就叫做”静虑“,或者叫”禅定“。所以心所中的这个定是属于”五别境“中的一个。当然我们说要 升起“无色界”的禅定是不容易的。但是能够“随一境性”,随着你的心自在地专一在一个境上,这是可以做到的。这是还没到达“轻安”之前的一个状态。就是“随一境性”,随着你的心,不是短暂的专一,而是随着你的心 你想要专注多久,譬如说三个小时也好,你就能够专一。想要一个小时也好,三个小时也好,都可以。或者你要专注一天都能够做到。

The third stage is developing samadhi with the pleasure of pliability of body and mind in preparation for the first dhyana.

The fourth stage is when you achieve samadhi with the pleasure of pliability, on the level of the first dhyana, which is shamatha(samatha). That is the shamatha of the higher realms. Though the nine methods for resting the mind are called shamatha(samatha), “true shamatha means the pleasure of pliability”, His Holiness clarified. “Achieving the pleasure of pliability means your body feels as light as a tuft of cotton. It is said that Gampopa achieved this and was able to live without eating food for many days, and was able to breathe extremely slowly, inhaling and exhaling infrequently.”
在这之后,你如果在得到所谓的“轻安”,那么就代表你达到了“寂止”的禅定。这时候你就到了上界(较高境界)的禅定。这就是所谓“止的禅定”。我们是比较有可能达到这种“随一境性”的。在这个之上,要达到“起止“也 不容易。因为平常要达到“寂止”,但真正的“寂止”是必须要得到轻安的。譬如说“九住心”,里面谈到“止”,但这并不是真的“止”,只是“专一境性”,还未达到“轻安”前的一个阶段,还不是真的寂止。所以“禅定”上要达到 “随一境性”上面。(44:56)所以“禅定”和“寂止”它的差别你要知道一点。“禅定”就是刚刚所说的“你专一在一个所缘上”,再来就是“专一境性”:在一个境上不散乱,这个时间不在长、不在短,总之你能够专一在一个善所缘 上,这个就叫禅定。达到了“随一境性”的话,这就不容易了。它不在于你只是专一而已,专一一两分钟,而是能够随你的心思,你想要专一多久,就能够专一多久。这叫“随一境性”。然后“止”是比这个“随一境性”更 深入的一种禅定了,它不仅仅是随着你的心想安住多久就多久,还要在这个基础之上,身心要得到轻安的这种乐,才达成“止”。是一种特殊的乐,一种身心轻安的乐。冈波巴大师也有特别提到,他当时得到了轻安的 这种乐之后,有很多天当中都不用吃东西,甚至都好像没有了呼吸,都不需要呼吸,有这样的一个感受。

These are signs that he had achieved the pleasure of pliability.

If we describe samadhi in term of function: there is the samadhi of the body and mind resting comfortably; the samadhi of developing qualities such as achieving the clairvoyances; and the samadhi of benefitting sentient beings.
这里的禅定从作用上可以分为三种。一种叫做“身心安乐”;第二个是“成就功德”的禅定;再来是“利益众生”的禅定。第一个“身心安住于乐”的禅定,指的就是“身心得到轻安的乐“的一种禅定。 第二个所谓”成就功德“的禅定呢,它是“成就了所谓的神通”的这样一种禅定,这是禅定的正行。前面“身心轻安的禅定”只是一个前行。正行是成就神通的禅定。第三个“利益众生的禅定”,譬如说你对于上师、三宝能够 虔心;还有你能够真正深信因果;还有对于所谓的经典的义理能够专一地去分析、去理解;还有对于“空性”;还有譬如说“本尊的观修”,你都能够专一的去做修持。这个都是属于禅定,都是属于“利益众生”的一种禅定, 都是属于禅定的一部分。

The Karmapa then briefly touched on the relationship between samatha and insight meditation. Developing actual samatha and insight meditation is difficult. The precursor, being able to direct our attention one-pointedly without distraction on a virtuous focus, is what we call ‘shamatha. The prajna that can truly analyse the meaning and words of the scriptures is insight meditation. There are different definitions used by the various Tibetan traditions, but generally samatha is resting meditation and insight is analytic meditation. However, during Mahamudra and Dzogchen there can be points where resting meditation is insight.
你们现在很难说真的升起“止”,事实上可以说根本没有升起“止”,但是类似于所谓的“止”,我们现在能做到的就是“心专注在一个善所缘”上,如果你能够做到的话,这也算是类似于一种“止”。 或者你对于这些经典的文字,还有它的义理,你能够透过观察、分析后升起一个智慧的话,这也是相顺于“观”的一种情况。(49:38)一般来说,“止”是所谓的安住修,“观”是属于观察修。当然这部分在藏传佛教不同的 宗派有不同的说法。但是到了大手印的时候,“观”也算是一种安住修。

Using the analogy of surgery, the Karmapa illustrated their interwoven function. A surgeon needs steady hands and the medical instruments used need to be very sharp. Samatha is like the surgeon’s steady hands, a stability of mind and focus. Insight is like the razor-sharp scalpel, however difficult or profound, it can cut through.
但无论如何,什么叫做“止”和“观”呢?举例来说,如果一个 病人开刀,开刀的那个医生,他的手必须要很稳。如果他的手会发抖,或者害怕而发抖的话,手在抖的话,那么不该切的地方他切掉了,是很危险的。做手术的时候,医生的手要很稳。“止”就类似于这种,你的心 是很专注的。就像是一个做手术的医生,他的手是很稳定的,是很专注的。所以当你要达成所谓的“止”,你就必须,第一心要能专注;第二,不止你的手要稳、工具要好——刀要利,如果很钝的刀的话,那么 事实上,你再怎么用力,也切不掉该切的东西。所以这个手术刀也是要非常锐利的。同样,这在比喻所谓的“观”,“观”就是很锐利的一种智慧,再困难的实相、真理都能够去剖析它。像是锐利的手术刀是一样的。

When we first start training in resting meditation, we might focus on neutral objects such as sticks and pebbles. Samadhi is a mind resting one-pointedly on a virtuous focus, so, though this is an effective method, we cannot call it samadhi.
刚刚有谈到很多次“善所缘”,如果说专注在“善所缘”上,它是一种禅定吗?譬如说一个带着烦恼的人,他有智慧,但你不能说他具有智慧,他是有这种不好的智慧,烦恼的智慧,所以你不能说这个人有智慧。虽然 一个人仅仅专注于“善所缘”,但并不是得到所谓的“禅定”。一般说,大手印会谈到“止的禅修”在练习的时候,专注于一个小木头和小石头上。这时候“石头”“木头”并不是“善”,是一个中性的东西,这时候你的所缘并 不是在一个善的事情上,就是一个小木头、小石子。但它是一个特殊法,帮助你求“止”。

C. The Superior Training in Prajna 增上慧学

The third training is the training in prajna, and its essence is the prajna that is able to fully examine mental projections.
第三个是“慧”学,它是对于一种“假名安立”的事物,并非真实的事物上,能够善加分析,这就是“智慧”的意思。譬如说我们一般会认为“这是柱子”,“这是瓶子”,我们就理所当然地认为这个就是柱子,这个就是瓶子。 但是带着智慧去观察分析的时候,这就叫做“智慧”。这种智慧在作用上去分类有三种:一种是了悟胜义的智慧;一种是了悟世俗的智慧;第三个是利益众生的智慧。

There is the prajna that realises the ultimate: the prajna that realises subtle selflessness and emptiness.

There is the prajna that realises the relative: the ability to become learned in all areas of knowledge such as healing crafts, logic, grammar and Buddhist philosophy. Non-Buddhists are able to study these areas too, and although theirs is a type of prajna, it is not the training in prajna meant here, because it is not embraced by true refuge or the wish for liberation. When we study areas of knowledge, it becomes a cause for achieving buddhahood only if it is embraced by true refuge, the wish for liberation, and bodhichitta, and then dedicated to enlightenment. If you build thousands of monasteries it may look like a definite cause for achieving buddhahood, but this would depend on your motivation and whether the action is dedicated to enlightenment or not, His Holiness observed. When listening and contemplation are embraced by this distinct intention, it becomes training in prajna. Otherwise, it is just study.
一切“慧学”最主要指的就是这种“了悟无我”的智慧。第二个叫做“了悟世俗的智慧”,它指的就是“工巧明”“医方明”“声明”“内明”“因明”等等。精通这些就叫做“了悟世俗的智慧”。就像昨天谈到在《现观庄严论》 就有提到说“若未通五明,圣者不成佛”, 有这样的说法。同样在《瑜伽师地论》当中也有提到“云何菩萨自性慧?谓能悟入一切所知,及已悟入一切所知,拣择诸法,普圆一切五明处转。一、内明处,二、因明处,三、 医方明处,四、声明处,五、工业明处。当知卽是菩萨一切慧之自性”。你看这里跟慧学所谈的意思是一样的。就算是外道来说呢,他们前面“四明”也是有的,虽然他们对于第五个“内明”不真正有信心,但他们也会学习, 举例来说,现在很多大学里面很多的教授,他们也会谈到佛教的一些观念、佛教的哲理。但那些大学里面教授在教的“佛教哲理”并不属于这里的“慧学”,为什么呢?因为那样子的 佛教哲学的教学,并没有皈依,还有并没有“出离”的等等这些。你看这些学府都有在研究这些甚深的佛教义理,甚至“那洛六法”,他们都在研究。他们只是学问上在研究,你可以说这也算是智慧,但不能属于这里的 “慧学”,这里的慧学就像之前谈到,它必须要有很正确的“皈依(refuge)”,还有“想要解脱的这种心(the wish for liberation)”,这是基础。有了这样的基础,你才是真正在做“慧学”。 一般来说,你要学习不同的学问、不同的语言,不同的哲学义理,你会说“这些会不会能够帮助你能够成佛呢?”仅仅是学习不一定能够成为你成佛的助缘。所以重点还是刚刚谈到的,你必须要有“皈依”,要有“出离”,要 有“发菩提心”,同时还具有了“回向”。如果你具备了这几个特点,那么你做的这些学习才可能成为你成就佛果的因。就譬如说,你布施、忍辱、一团食(就是一把的食物),这会成为”成佛的因“吗?譬如说,你给一只 猫一小块面包,会不会因为”这样的因“而成佛呢?并不会的。不仅是这样,或者是你兴建了可能几千座的寺院吧,供养(?)的寺院。会成帮助你成佛的因吗?外相上看,当然啊,这是多殊胜啊。但是不一 定的。为什么供养、兴建了几千座寺院也不见得就会帮助你成就佛果呢?或者这不是成就佛果的因呢?这是因为重点在于你的心,你的发心是什么,你为什么做这个供养?还有,你有没有做回向?回向成就佛果?还有 你在做这些布施、供养的时候,你有发起一个心要回向,回向成佛,那么才有可能。譬如说,你供养一只猫一块面包,当时给的时候你没有发愿成就佛果,但是之后之后你想,“啊,曾经我给过一只猫一块面包,希望 这个善行,这是一个好的行为、善的行为,回向给成就佛果。”如果你也记得做这样的回向,那布施给猫一块面包也能够成为成就佛果的因。所以在《三蕴经》当中也有提到,仅是“一团食”的供养、布施,也是有很大的利益的。 总之,你在做任何的修持,如果带有这样子的发心、皈依、出离心、回向等等。那么你所作的一切修学都会成为“慧学”、成佛的因。所以,仅仅是告诉你好好用功、好好读书,这是没用的。学习佛法的时候,你要带着 正确的发心,正确的回向,才学习佛法。这是更重要的。所以仅仅是你这个“辩才无碍”,也是没用的。如果没有这样子的发心也是没有意义的。

There is the prajna that benefits sentient beings: knowing how to help sentient beings. We want to help but we don’t know how. Not knowing how to help, some people try to help and then create problems as big as a mountain. There are limitless sentient beings and each has distinctive thoughts and predilections. If we are to benefit them we need this type of prajna. Otherwise we create difficulties for ourselves, and become exhausted.
第三种智慧是“利益有情、绕益有情”的智慧。是指如果你能够很清楚地知道,我该怎么利益众生的时候,这就是一种智慧。很多时候,很多人都需要帮助,但是我们却不知道该怎么帮助别人。或者有的时候是你不知道 该怎么帮,还是去帮助别人,结果反而造成了对方很大的困扰,结果反而是害了对方。譬如说我自己今生也发生过这样子的事情,曾经我也这样子带着善心要帮助,结果可能方式没用对, 结果也没有一个很好的结果。(Bamboo批:他这句话应该指的是“桃花劫”事件。)这里的绕益众生、利益众生的智慧是很重要的。我们说虚空有多广,众生就有多少。 每一个众生又有它们不同的想法、不同的个性。一个菩萨必须要能够做到符合每一个众生不同的想法和心意。如果你没有这样的智慧的话,是很难达成的。所以,如果不具备这样的智慧,不仅是帮不到对方,结果自己 也很痛苦。这就不好了。所以利益众生的智慧是很重要的。

In conclusion, His Holiness summed up the function of these three trainings: discipline sets boundaries to the actions of body and mind and turns us away from distractions; samadhi focuses our mind one-pointed ly on virtuous phenomena; and prajna examines the nature of things as they are so we can understand them.
总而言之呢,这里谈到了“三学”,简略来说,戒律是什么呢?主要是指你身口的各种行为都能够不过度,能够适中的,不散乱。再来,”禅定“的意思是什么呢?是指你把你心的力量,专一地都用于”善法“上。智慧是什么 呢?是指你对于事物的实相是什么专一地去观察,而有所了解。

We have met gurus, we have clear minds, intelligence and opportunity. Until we achieve buddhahood, we have the opportunity to achieve buddhahood. The main thing is we need to make effort and see what we can achieve in this lifetime, and make the aspiration for it to happen in future life times. It is important that we have enthusiasm and are not discouraged. It can’t be achieved in a day or two…even worldly things such as preparing for Losar take time.
这样你就对于”三学“是什么大概有个了解了。这是反观你自心,你自己具不具备”戒学“,你有”定学“,你有”慧学“吗?这是我们要观察的。如果这样观察之后 发现,自己没有”戒学“”定学“也没有”慧学“,糟糕了,那怎么办呢?那你不用太担心,现在,你是还有机会的。因为你现在也在一个能够学习佛法的环境,你有机会见到很多具德的上师。而且你自己的身体也都可以, 五根也聪利。那么你是有机会能够去学习的。那重点是你要把握你的时间,不要浪费你的生命。尽量地,在你的自心上,去做到,去修学到这样的”三学“。而不就在那边抱怨,在那边叫苦连天说”怎么办“”怎么办“,这样 是没用的。或者你会发现检讨之后,我曾经(1.05.19)有这样的“三学”。但是后来可能一些原因,发现没有了。总而言之,这也不用太担心,因为你还是有机会,还是能够做到的。只要未成佛前,我们都有机会修持 佛法的,并没有期限,并没有所谓的“你在这之前,你修才可以成佛;过了这个期限,你再修就不能成佛”,从来没有这样的说法。事实上,未成佛前,所有的机会都掌握在你的手中的。问题都是你自己精不精进,有没有 努力这样去做成。很多时候,今生你无法达成,你也应该发愿说“来生我也要尽力地做到”。重点是不要灰心,要提起一种勇气,我觉得这是最重要的。我常常觉得修行它不是一两天看得到结果的一个事情。事实上生命 中很多重要的事情,譬如说结婚吧,你也很难说,我一两天认识就结婚。就比如说过年,拉萨一谈到“过年”,从两个月前就开始准备了。大家都做好各种的准备,很多事情要做的。过个年都要花个两个月前就开始准备, 那学佛就更不可能是一两天就达成的。成佛它不是一个在一两天,几天、几月,甚至几年就达成的,这是不可能的。尤其大手印、大圆满中虽然谈到的确有在一个坐垫上短时间内就“即身成佛”的方式,但是佛法是如此 的殊胜,利益是如此的大,但是修持的人,你自己本身,看看自己的精进度,看看自己的情况吧,有可能几个月达成吗?是不可能的。所以要有长远心。要有一种心:好,我不管多久,或者就给自己一个时间, 这段时间要尽量的努力,要达成。

Supported by the strength and resolve of our bodhichitta we should be prepared to direct our minds towards buddhahood and not give up, though it take three uncountable aeons.
你看菩萨吧,他发的愿是三大阿僧其劫都要利益众生,这是就是对于上根器的众生会这么说,还要花三大阿僧期劫才能够成佛。这样子的十万、百万、千万、亿万等等,无量无量,总之三阿僧其劫,是六十个 三大阿僧其劫等等哦,总之这是一个很大很大的时间,不可思议的时间,总之菩萨这么长时间,他都不灰心;这么长时间,他都不怕众生有多少,不怕时间有多长,不怕有多困难他都不灰心,带着要利益众生、 感恩众生。他也不觉得幸苦,所以菩萨要有这样的心是很重要的。今天就讲到这里,明天会继续。

Bamboo评论:听大宝讲《解脱庄严论》至今,Bamboo现在严重怀疑,那个被吹上了天的冈波巴大师就是王沪宁的前世。那种毫无实际用处的教条式理论简直如出一辙。和那个什么“大成就者唐东杰波”写的一点用都没有的《萨迦 疗愈》一样,藏传佛教的那些所谓的”大师“”大成就者“”活佛“看来都是被互相吹捧出来的。被大宝变相地一揭露,才发现真面目其实都是些”插着假毛,冒充凤凰的鸡“。

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