法王新闻 | 2018年04月




大寶法王噶瑪巴於北美法座噶瑪三乘法輪寺(Karma Triyana Dharmachakra),親自帶領蓮師心意伏藏《上師密集》修法。主佛殿壇城內的佛龕中,安奉著一尊威猛的蓮師聖像,供桌上各式各樣的供品豐盛盈滿。


《上師密集》暨金剛舞的完整修持,在法王的西藏法座楚布寺,以及法王的印度法座隆德寺,每兩年盛大舉行一次。2014年,法王在印度聖地菩提迦耶親自帶領觀修此法,並在金剛舞中修持蓮師 (詳見:「蓮師伏藏《上師密集》灌頂報導」 ,以及「《上師密集》暨『行忠護法』修法報導」 )


In the packed shrine hall at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, a golden pavilion now enshrines a powerful statue of Guru Rinpoche with tiers of offerings arrayed below. The altar had been carefully prepared for a special practice related to Guru Rinpoche’s heart, known as “The Eight Chapters: An Activity Liturgy for Guru Guhyasamaja.” It singles out Guru Rinpoche in the form of Oddiyana Vajradhara, one of his eight manifestations.

For the Karma Kamtsang lineage, this is one of the most important terma treasures or rediscovered texts, which comes from Chögyi Wangchuk, (Guru Chöwang 1212-1270), the second of five great treasure revealers or tertons. He offered this text to the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi (1206-1283), who was the terdak, or rightful owner of the terma, and from that time, the practice has passed down the Karmapa’s lineage to the present Seventeenth Karmapa.

The full-fledged practice complete with vajra lama dancing (cham) is performed extensively every two years at Tsurphu Monastery, the Karmapa’s seat in Tibet, and also in Rumtek, his monastery in India. The Seventeenth Karmapa performed this practice for the first time in Bodhgaya, India in 2014, and for the vajra lama dances, he himself danced the main role of Guru Rinpoche. Today’s ceremony in New York was the first time this practice in its present form has been performed in the West. From his throne, the Karmapa led the practice as the chant master and also sang in a deeply moving voice the special song for the feast offering.

As Situ Rinpoche has stated, “The 17th Karmapa is not an emanation of Guru Rinpoche. He is Guru Rinpoche.” For those present this was an exceptional occasion as the Karmapa presided over this profound Guru Rinpoche practice at his seat in North America for the first time. Clearly a day to be remembered.

上師密集:最殊勝的「上師相應法」 “在許多的上師相應法伏藏當中,最具代表性的就是這部《上師密集》。” “它是所有上師相應法當中最殊勝的,它就是稱為「蓮師上師密集」的灌頂。無論我們說上師成就法或上師相應法也好,我們都知道它的根本,就在於對上師的一種虔誠及恭敬之心。”

法王關於上師密集法的開示: 中文: https://www.kagyuoffice.org.tw/news/20140106 英文: http://kagyuoffice.org/the-gyalwang-karmapa-bestow…



