法王新闻 | 2017年05月


Visits the British Library

時間:2017年5月19日 May 19, 2017
地點:英國 倫敦 London, England

在種類驚人的文物中,法王最有興趣的是著名的史坦因收藏品(Stein Collection)中的敦煌藏文文獻,以及約2,700部藏文刻板印刷和850篇藏文手稿,其中包括第十六世法王噶瑪巴所印製的德噶版《甘珠爾》和《丹珠爾》藏文大藏經。

法王此行由曾在大英圖書館內擔任西藏收藏館館長14年、並曾迎接第十六世法王訪英的企美仁波切(Chime Rinpoche)陪同。大英圖書館收藏品負責人克里斯賢.傑森(Kristian Jensen)和現任西藏收藏館館長伯克德.奎索(Burkhard Quessel)為法王導覽,他們帶領法王一行走下兩層樓,進入地下層的東方和西藏收藏區。

法王受邀進入一間戒備森嚴的保險庫內,參觀珍貴的敦煌藏文文獻,還翻閱了一部結合密勒日巴傳記及其十萬道歌的精美手繪本。這部屬於達隆噶舉傳承(Taklung Kagyu)的手繪本,以第三世法王噶瑪巴的密勒日巴傳為基礎,並引用桑傑.俄(Sangye Ö)所流傳下來的一個密勒日巴更早期的故事,而這個故事法王也曾聽聞過。館方將這部手繪本和卡多.耶些.德千(Kathok Yeshe Dechen)所寫的關於大手印、大圓滿和中觀的著作,掃描為數位檔案,存在一個隨身碟中,獻給法王做為私人收藏。

Among these, of great interest to His Holiness were the famous Dunhuang texts of the Stein Collection and some 2,700 blockprints and 850 manuscripts in Tibetan, among them the 16th Karmapa’s edition of the Derge Kangyur and Tengyur.

On this special tour, the Karmapa was accompanied by Chime Rinpoche, who had worked in the British Library for fourteen years as curator of the Tibetan collection and welcomed the Sixteenth Karmapa to England. Guided by Kristian Jensen, Head of Collections, and Burkhard Quessel, Curator of the Tibetan Collection, the Karmapa and a small entourage descended two stories to the underground floor of the Library, which holds the oriental and Tibetan collections.

Here, His Holiness was invited into the carefully guarded Strong Room containing the precious Dunhuang texts. After viewing these, he also saw a beautifully illustrated manuscript combining Milarepa’s life story and his 100,000 Songs, which belonged to the Taklung Kagyu tradition. Based on the Third Karmapa’s life story of Milarepa, it quoted an earlier life story by Sangye Ö, which the Karmapa also knew about. This text and a work on mahamudra, dzogchen, and madhyamaka by Kathok Yeshe Dechen were copied on to a USB stick and offered to His Holiness for his personal collection.

11天英国行剪辑影片 Karmapa London 2017
