法王新闻 | 2017年02月


Addresses the situation concerning Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche


時間:2017年2月19日下午 19 February, 2017
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 噶舉大祈願會場 Monlam Pavilion, Bodh Gaya, India




His Holiness, although suffering from a bad cold and lack of sleep, used the platform of his closing address to the 34th Kagyu Mönlam to speak honestly and openly about the situation arisen with Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche’s resignation. He explained that he had learned about it shortly after it had happened, a few months before it became public; that himself and others around him and in the Jamgön Labrang who were aware of it tried to do all they could, until Rinpoche announced it himself on Facebook. He shared a particular feeling he’d had when celebrating Rinpoche’s birthday:




■ 「我是過來人,很能理解轉世者的苦。」

“I thought that Rinpoche was separated from his parents and brought to India at a very young age—before the age of one. From the time he was very young, he had a lot of difficulties. I thought, ‘How dreadful. The poor guy!’ I’d never had that thought about him before, but I did last year.


He was given the title of a tulku, and of a high lama in particular, and because of that he probably has the same feelings about the difficulties he faces as I do. It has been many years since I was given the title of Karmapa, and I have experienced many difficulties myself.”


■ 「對不起,我沒有照顧好仁波切!」

His Holiness expressed his great regret that he had not been able to give greater support and advice:

“Often I was unable to show Rinpoche how I cared for him. So I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Rinpoche, the Jamgön Labrang, and all the students who are connected with him.”


When the situation first arose, His Holiness acknowledged, he had many different feelings, he was angry and depressed. But he stressed that he had never given up on Rinpoche, nor on his love and care for him. He expressed his certainty that all who had faith in Rinpoche felt the same, and this was something he would like Rinpoche to understand. Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche’s resignation was, nonetheless, a great setback for the Kagyu lineage:


■ 「不要灰心,大家的背後有我在!」


The previous Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche’s passing away at a young age created difficulties, this adds even more difficulties on top of that. I’m sure that the Jamgön Labrang did all they could with pure motivation, so I ask the Labrang and sangha not to get discouraged. I also ask the students, friends and sponsors of the Jamgön Labrang to continue with their support, so that the activity of the various Jamgön Kongtrul incarnations can increase.



■ 「作為一位菩薩行者,要永遠不捨教法、不捨眾生!」


Many people might be worried about what would happen in the future, but the important thing to remember for a tulku, His Holiness counselled, was to never give up on the teachings of the Buddha. Wrapping up his address, he reiterated that whether Rinpoche was a monk or not, he should not give up working for sentient beings, and that the same held true for the lamas and tulkus who were in the world, in whatever situation:



That’s about all there is to say. I have done everything I could up to now. I’m not someone who has abandoned all faults and developed all qualities. But no matter what happens, I continue to think I won’t give up on benefitting Buddhism and sentient beings. Please everyone keep that in mind.


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