法王新闻 | 2016年06月


An Impressive Vietnamese Temple to the South of Paris


時間:2016年6月1日 June 1, 2016
地點: 法國 巴黎南部 伊弗瑞 Evry, France

法王下午造訪位於巴黎南部 伊弗瑞(Evry)的一所越南寺院康安寺(音譯)(Chua Khanh Anh),寺院是以一位著名的越南法師的名字而命名。21年前,康安寺經創辦人釋明檀法師(音譯)(Thich Minh Tam) 奠立基石後開始啟建,一直到最近才正式完工並獲得當地政府的入住許可。寺院成員認為,該寺竣工的時間值遇法王訪法,此因緣巧合可說是非常吉祥的徵兆。
This afternoon the Gyalwang Karmapa visited the new Vietnamese temple complex, called Chua Khanh Anh, named after a great Vietnamese master and located south of Paris in Evry. The founder of the temple, Thich Minh Tam, had laid its foundation stone twenty-one years ago, and a very short while ago, the community had received their official certificate of occupation from the local government. Several members of the Vietnamese Sangha said they considered it a very auspicious sign that the completion of their building project coincided with the Karmapa’s visit.
