法王新闻 | 2015年04月

『美国行』耶魯大學 • 獲頒喬伯獎

『US Tour』Yale University • Awarded Chubb Fellowship


時間:2015年04月09日 09th April, 2015
地點: 美国 康乃狄克州 纽黑文 耶魯大學 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.

His Holiness Ogyen Trinley Dorje, was awarded a Chubb Fellowship, the highly prestigious Yale fellowship devoted to encouraging an interest in public service. Past recipients include such luminaries as Aung Sang Suu Kyi, Elie Wiesel, Maya Angelou, Octavio Paz and Wendell Berry, as well as several former presidents of the United States and Nobel Prize winners.
法王鄔金欽列多傑獲頒喬伯獎(Chubb Fellowship)殊榮。耶魯大學喬伯獎是為鼓勵公眾服務而設立的獎項,過去的得獎人包括著名的翁山蘇姬(Aung Sang Suu Kyi)、艾利.維瑟爾(Elie Wiesel)、瑪雅‧安傑盧(Maya Angelou)、奥克塔維歐.帕茲(Octavio Paz)、文德爾.貝瑞(Wendell Berry),以及若干美國前總統和諾貝爾獎得主。


Most often conferred upon political and social leaders, the Chubb Fellowship was awarded to His Holiness in recognition of his role as a global leader on environmental issues. During his Chubb address, His Holiness the Karmapa spoke of the role that religious leaders can play in prompting the changes in attitude and behavior that are needed to bring about change in our environmental practices.

In line with the aim of instilling greater interest in serving society in its students, Chubb Fellows are required to engage in three activities: deliver a campus-wide Chubb lecture, attend a reception in their honor and share a dinner with students at Timothy Dwight College, which administers the fellowship. Timothy Dwight College is one of Yale’s twelve residential colleges. When possible, Chubb fellows are invited for longer stays on campus and are encouraged to interact closely with students, an aim that His Holiness the Karmapa has often described as his own wish for this two-month university tour.
秉持喬伯獎培育學生服務社會的精神,喬伯獎得主必須履行三項義務:對全校發表得獎人演說、出席得獎人招待會,以及與提姆西懷特學院(Timothy Dwight College)的學生共進晚餐。提姆西懷特學院是耶魯大學的12所住宿學院之一,並且是喬伯獎的負責單位。院方儘可能安排喬伯獎得主有較長的時間住在校園,方便與學生密切互動。法王經常在此行中提到,希望多瞭解當今年輕人的經驗,並且從近處一瞥大學校園生活,而院方的這項理念正符合法王訪問大學校園的心願。

His Holiness the Karmapa fulfilled two of the Chubb commitments on April 7, delivering the Chubb lecture in the afternoon and attending the reception in the evening. An audience of 2,500 packed Woolsey Hall to hear his lecture. Joining for the reception were deans from across the university, heads of the university’s various residential colleges and key faculty from many departments.
4月7日法王圓滿了喬伯獎得主的前兩項義務:法王在下午發表喬伯演說,晚間出席得獎人招待會。兩千五百位觀眾聚集在伍爾喜館(Woolsey Hall)聆聽法王的演說;當天晚上,全校各學院院長、各住宿學院負責人,以及各學系主要教授雲聚招待會中。

The final of the three Chubb-related events at Yale was a dinner with students in the dining hall of the Timothy Dwight College. When His Holiness the Karmapa learned that he was expected to sit at the head table with senior faculty and administrators, while students dined separately at their own tables, he proposed to overturn that order. Instead, the Karmapa sat with students, moving from table to table as each new course of food was served.


Although the young students peppered him with questions for much of the meal, His Holiness the Karmapa also took the opportunity to ask penetrating questions of his own. He has frequently stated on this trip that he wished to learn more about the experiences of today’s young people and gain a closer glimpse of their lives as students. During the Chubb dinner he asked them what strategies they used to deal with the stress of attending an Ivy League school like Yale. He also asked them what impact the competitive academic climate had on their relationships with their classmates, and then listened attentively to their answers.

At the conclusion of the meal, Timothy Dwight College Master Jeff Brenzel asked the Karmapa to speak about his own experiences and offer advice to the students. His Holiness spoke movingly of the pain of being taken away from his parents at the age of seven, and described his own process of coming to terms with his role as Karmapa. He described how formative it had been for him to see that his own parents, though equally pained at having to part from their son, did so willingly in the confidence that his future as the Karmapa would be of great benefit to the world.
晚宴的尾聲,提姆西懷特學院院長傑夫瑞.伯瑞州(Jeff Brenzel)請法王談談自己的經驗,同時也給予學生一些建議。法王動容地提到,自己七歲時就離開自己父母的痛苦,以及他接受自己身為噶瑪巴的心路歷程。而他自己的父母,由於與孩子的分離而感到同樣的痛苦,但他們心甘情願地接受這這個事實,因為相信他身為噶瑪巴能夠為世界帶來廣大的利益。在看到自己父母的表現時,法王也因此獲得轉化:

“Seeing how my parents dealt with it gave me courage,” His Holiness the Karmapa said. “It helped me understand that if we see that it will be of real benefit to others, we are capable of sacrificing our own comfort.”

He emphasized that this is not a matter of having special qualities or powers. “Deep down, we are all the same,” he said. “We are all fundamentally capable, deep down, of serving others.”

He spoke of his own growing awareness that being told he was the Karmapa allowed him to recognize the great responsibility he had toward others and also gave him a wonderful opportunity to serve others.

Although he never drew the explicit connection to the privileged position enjoyed by Yale students, as he described his own unusual life circumstances, His Holiness gently made the point that not only do those with greater opportunities bear a greater responsibility to serve, but in fact life becomes truly meaningful when it is used to benefit others.


上一篇:『美国行』耶魯大學 • 私人聖曲音樂會
『US Tour』Yale University • Private Sacred Music Concert