法王新闻 | 2015年03月
時間:2015年03月19日 9:00 ~11:00 a.m. 19th March, 2015
地點:美國 加州 舊金山 San Francisco, California, U.S.
主辦單位:苏格兰共济会中心(教傳利生遍在佛學中心) Kagyu Droden Kunchab
In the early hours of this Thursday morning, as commuters sped past intent on reaching their workplace, the sidewalks of 19th Avenue in San Francisco outside the teachings site took on the atmosphere of a street festival. Long-lost Dharma friends embraced, joyful to share the anticipation of the morning with His Holiness the 17th Karmapa.
When the doors opened at 8 am, the party moved indoors. A Who’s Who of the California Dharma scene could be compiled by listing all those who stood greeting one another in the aisles,
Bamboo评论:Bamboo一直奇怪,什么是“教傳利生遍在佛學中心”,原来是“共济会”!就是电影《达芬奇密码》里写的那个著名的欧洲邪教组织,都贴上了噶举派的标签了。就知道当今佛教界,尤其是藏传佛教界都是些什么人了。这趟美国行的单位,都是竹庆本乐仁波切,台湾官方承认的17世噶玛巴泰耶多杰 他爹——宁玛派大佬 米滂仁波切的弟子安排的, 所以,就可以知道台湾和泰耶多杰背后的势力是哪些了。
as members of the Kagyu Droden Kunchab center bustled around putting the final touches on the stage setting. The Dharma center’s founder and resident teacher, Lama Lodro, himself stood calmly greeting guests and answering his staff’s string of final queries.
主辦單位教傳利生遍在佛學中心(Kagyu Droden Kunchab)的工作人員仍奔命於講台最後的打點;噶瑪巴基金會(the Karmapa Foundation)網路直播小組忙於測試設備,讓不克出席的法友也能共襄盛舉,並且收聽中文和西班牙文的同步翻譯;教傳利生遍在佛學中心的創辦人暨常住喇嘛洛竹(Lama Lodru)一邊沈穩地招呼賓客,一邊回答工作人員完工前的連串問題。
Once His Holiness the Karmapa had arrived, he joked that although he had been asked by the inviters to give a talk, they had told him there was no particular topic but rather they would be happy to hear whatever came to his mind to say.
Bamboo评论:台湾人和这些邪教组织的成员都是被药物和邪术双重控制的,更甚在财务和能力上也被控制和限制得牢牢的,上方的头头当然不会介意你说什么,反正这些身心上没有一点自由的人跟他们说什么,他们都听不进去,也听不懂。就跟Bamboo以前被那个气功师 控制得牢牢的、和傻乎乎的一样。(2025年01月31日)
Unlike the sea of college students that had stretched out before him at Stanford University, at this Dharma teaching His Holiness the Karmapa was faced with many a grey head. He noted that he recognized many students of the 16th Karmapa in the audience. Since so many of those present were long-term Buddhist practitioners, he said, he would make some comments on practicing the Dharma, and proceeded to offer them a powerful teaching on working skillfully with some of our most negative states of mind.
On that hopeful note, His Holiness the Karmapa closed the session and departed for a private visit of the Dharma center that was hosting the morning’s teaching.
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