法王新闻 | 2013年06月


『New Delhi』「The Heart Is Noble」Book Launch

時間:2013年06月18日 18 Jun., 2013
地點:印度 新德里 印度生态中心 India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India


His Holiness’ new book was the talk of the town in Delhi, India this week, where it was officially released by the eminent social activist Aruna Roy, Entitled The Heart Is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside out.

The book launch was standing-room-only at the India Habitat Centre, where such highly distinguished figures as Rajiv Mehrotra, Pavan K. Varma and Vandana Shiva also spoke in support of His Holiness the Karmapa’s approach to society as outlined in his new book.
新書發表會在印度生態中心的會場賓客滿座,社會顯要如羅傑.梅羅察(Rajiv Mehrotra), 帕梵.瓦瑪(Pavan K. Varma) ,梵達那.師瓦(Vandana Shiva)等紛紛發言支持法王在書中提出的對社會問題的因應之道。

The book is being officially launched in North America and continental Europe in 19th Feb.


The book is based on a series of teachings His Holiness gave to a group of 16 American college students over the course of three weeks in 2011. Each chapter in the book explores a topic selected by visiting students. For each session, two of the students took lead responsibility in presenting their concerns to the Karmapa, and His Holiness’ personal responses to their concerns fills the pages of this book.

In this book, the Gyalwang Karmapa takes a hard look at the urgent challenges facing his generation as a society, as a planet and as individuals. In the process, he encourages us all to rise to these challenges, using a resource we already have in abundance—the basic nobility of our human heart. The book is nothing short of a call to action, outlining his vision for bringing transformative social action into daily life.

To read excerpts from the book and find out more about how the book evolved, visit the website of the book: www.theheartisnoble.com

Bamboo评论:为什么Bamboo总把书名记成《My heart is noble》(《我心高贵》)呢?


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