法王新闻 | 2012年10月


『Dharamsala』Supports Tibet film making

時間:2012年10月15日 15 Oct., 2012
地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 羅布林卡 Norbulinka Institute, Dharamsala, India

這場在達蘭莎拉的羅布林卡學院舉行的說明會,由瑞士的「為西藏而拍片」(Filming for Tibet)主辦。
This event held for the upcoming fourth ‘Tibet Film Festival’ at the Norbulingka Institute in Dharamshala. Organised by the Swiss-based Filming for Tibet.

The Festival, which will be held simultaneously in Dharamshala from October 27 to 28 and in Zurich from October 26 to 27 with a similar programme.

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