法王新闻 | 2011年07月


『U.S.』Visits WWF Headquarters


時間:2011年07月12日 12 July, 2011
地點:美國 華盛頓特區 Washington DC, USA

For several years now, His Holiness has been very interested and active in environmental protection and ecology. Today he had opportunity to meet with senior scientists and environmental leaders at the World Wildlife Fund headquarters in Washington DC.
在過去幾年當中,法王對環境保護與自然生態有著極大的興趣。今天在華盛頓特區世界最大的環保組織「世界野生動物基金」(World Wildlife Fund)的總部,法王終於有機會與資深科學家以及環保領袖見面。

He toured the WWF building, which features the third largest green roof in Washington DC and has received LEED Platinum Energy Star certification, which means that the building is truly sustainable.
「世界野生動物基金」總部的建築物,有著華盛頓特區第三大的環保屋頂,並且獲得能源之星白金等級(LEED Platinum Energy Star)的認證,是一座完全綠化環保的建築。

His Holiness was briefed on the latest science and solutions by senior WWF staff on issues such as climate change, wildlife trade, market transformation, and disaster recovery and he engaged in a conversation with the scientists on how best to reach out to people and change their hearts. Referred to as the Green Buddha by the Senior Vice President of WWF, which is the largest environmental organization in the world,
法王聽取了該基金會工作人員對於氣候變遷、野生動物交易、市場轉變、以及災害修復等方面之最新科技與解決方案的簡報;法王並且就如何深入民間、改變民眾觀念的這個議題上,與科學家們交換心得。「世界野生動物基金」的資深副總裁稱呼法王為「環保佛」(the Green Buddha)。

His Holiness spoke to the staff, reminding them that the most important thing is that we are all inter-connected and that we must make everyone part of the solution. He praised the important work that WWF does and said that it gave him hope as he continues to do his part in the Himalayas and that he does not feel so alone as he strives to solve environmental problems there.

He concluded by reciting a prayer to bless the staff, many of whom were visibly moved.
