法王新闻 | 2011年04月


『Dharamsala』Himachal Drukpa Kagyu Organise Special Long Life Offering for H.H.

༄༅།། འབྲུག་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་པའི་ལྷ་སྡེ་མི་སྡེའི་བརྟན་བཞུགས་འདེགས་འབུལ།


時間:2011年04月09日 Saturday 9th April, 2011
地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 上密院 Gyuto Monastery, Mcleodganj, Dharamsala, India

On Saturday afternoon, hundreds of Gyalwang Karmapa’s followers from the Drukpa Kagyu tradition travelled especially from different parts of Himachal Pradesh to join together in offering a Drukpa Kagyu Tenshug for His Holiness in the main shrine room of Gyuto Ramoche Monastery.

Many travelled for hours in order to reach Gyuto; some, from the remote regions of Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti, had even travelled for days. From early in the morning, the courtyard below the temple began to fill with their cars, jeeps, motorcycles and hired buses.

His Eminence Khamtrul Rinpoche from Khampa Gar Monastery, Tashi Jong Tibetan refugee settlement, led this special Drukpa Kagyu Tenshug. Many other leading Rinpoches and community leaders from the Himalayan region supported him. Those who attended included His Eminence Chogon Rinpoche, His Eminence Dorzong Rinpoche, Chogyal Rinpoche, Nupgon Chogya Rinpoche, Poppa Rinpoche, Somang Rinpoche, Tulku Ngawang Gelek and Jetsunma Ani Tenzin Palmo.
這場特殊的竹巴噶舉長壽法會,是由札西炯西藏村康巴噶爾寺之尊貴的康祖仁波切主法。許多來自喜馬拉雅山 區內德高望重的大仁波切以及社團領袖,也一併響應康祖仁波切。出席法會的貴賓包括有尊貴的確袞仁波切、 鐸宗仁波切、卓 佳仁波切、弩恭秋嘉仁波切、波帕仁 波切、索南仁波切、噶汪格樂祖古、以及哲尊媽比丘尼天瑾跋摩。

In addition to Khampa Gar, monks and nuns also represented Dechen Chokhor Monastery in Kulu, Jangchup Zong Monastery in Gopalpur, and Donghud Gatsaling Nunnery. They were accompanied by several hundred laypeople came from Kinnaur, Lahaul-Spiti and Kulu Districts.
法會中除了康巴噶爾寺的比丘與比丘尼外,尚有來自庫魯地區德千丘闊寺、 戈巴普地區的江丘宗寺與道久伽薩林尼院的僧眾。來自基諾爾、 拉厚-司琵逖、以及庫魯的數百位居士也列席其中。

The numbers attending the long-life offering swelled to more than a thousand as hundreds more people, who had come for the weekly Saturday afternoon audience, crammed in to the shrine room, or gathered two and three deep outside on the veranda, peering through the windows and doors.
