法王新闻 | 2011年03月


『Sarnath』Marpa Day and The Festival of Miracles


時間:2011年03月19日 19th March, 2011
地點:印度 鹿野苑 創古智慧金剛佛學院 Thranggu Vajra Vidya Monastery, Sarnath, Varanasi, India

Once more the shrine room had been re-arranged, and the three images of the glorious Kagyu forefathers, Marpa, Milarepa, and Gampopa, had been placed centrally below the great golden image of Lord Buddha. They now topped a special shrine decorated with seven white torma offerings and seven bowls of rice and incense sticks.


A day-long celebration of rituals began at 8.00am with the Lama Choepa [Offering to the Lamas] in the main shrine room, and ended in the evening towards 9.00pm. The Gyalwang Karmapa attended every event. During the morning and afternoon sessions in the temple, His Holiness sat on a low throne at a level below the three images of the Kagyu forefathers, his presence adding a sense of completion, great blessing and timelessness to the ritual. During the Lama Choepa, he led everyone in the prayers for taking refuge and generating bodhichitta.

In the afternoon session, from 1.30pm until 6.00pm, the monks completed reading and chanting the Rain of Wisdom and His Holiness led the Fulfillment Practice to the Dharma Protectors.
下午的法會由一點半至六點鐘。期間,僧眾圓滿了《智慧之雨》的唸誦,法王則親自帶領「祈護法滿願」(Fulfillment Practice to the Dharma Protectors)的修法。


The Lamp Prayer

The day concluded with a special Lamp Prayer for the victims of the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami.

His Holiness sat on the porch of the temple, and several hundred monks, nuns and laypeople bearing lighted candles gathered in the grounds in front of the temple, and hundreds of butter lamps flickered on tables nearby. In the sky above hung a full moon, and beyond the walls of the Vajra Vidya Institute, the night was punctuated by explosions of firecrackers and fireworks, and the air carried a hint of the smoke from festive bonfires, as the local villagers celebrated Holi.


Prayers were offered for the benefit of all sentient beings, and, in particular, the famous Lamp Prayer composed by Jowo Atisha was recited and then sung three times.

As people drifted away at the end of the evening, the full moon was clearly reflected in the small pool on the lawn, reminding everyone of the Mahamudra analogy that appearances are like the reflection of the moon in still water.
