法王新闻 | 2011年03月


『Sarnath』Celebrates Losar at Thranggu Vajra Vidya Monastery


時間:2011年03月05日 5th March, 2011
地點:印度 鹿野苑 創古智慧金剛佛學院 Thranggu Vajra Vidya Monastery, Sarnath, Varanasi, India

According to the Tibetan calendar this is now the Year of the Iron Rabbit. His Holiness celebrated Tibetan New Year in the company of his tutor, Khenchen Yongzin Thrangu Rinpoche, and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, who is currently visiting from the U.S.A.

Preceded by an incense bearer and monks playing the gyalin [Tibetan trumpet] His Holiness arrived in the main shrine room at Vajra Vidya Institute shortly before 7.00am, splendidly attired in gold brocade tonka and wearing traditional Tibetan white felt boots for the occasion. He mounted the throne, carefully donned his black-and-gold activity crown, and the ceremony to welcome in the new year began.

First came the presentation of traditional Tibetan white silk scarves called katag and gifts. A long line formed led by the monks, then the nuns and finally the laypeople, snaking around the shrine room, in order to offer katags to the Gyalwang Karmapa, to Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, to Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, to the great golden image of Lord Buddh, and to the Dalai Lama’s throne.
首先登場的是哈達與禮品的供養。哈達是一種西藏傳統的白色絲巾,象徵著加持的受授。現場的僧人、尼師、與在家居士依序上前獻供,排得長長的隊伍蜿蜒地在大殿中繞行。他們先是向法王獻上哈達,接著次第地向堪千創古仁波切、 竹慶本樂仁波切、佛陀莊嚴的金色塑像,以及達賴喇嘛的法座獻上哈達。

The ceremony continued with traditional New Year prayers, during which bowls of delicious sweet rice– a rich mix of saffron boiled rice, butter, cocunut, sultanas, almonds and droma, a small black-brown tuber fromTibet– were served with salty Tibetan butter tea. Various sponsors made offerings of money to the sangha, and no one was allowed to go home empty-handed as each guest received a bag of traditional Losar offerings–kabsey [fried Tibetan biscuits], fruit, soft drinks, biscuits and sweets.

Afterwards, sheltered from the sun in a tented pavilion and flanked by Thrangu Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, His Holiness attended a small function on the lawn outside the main temple.


There were short speeches, songs of praise, and prayers for the long lives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Gyalwang Karmapa. Older students of Namo Buddha Branch School adeptly performed a short Cham dance. Younger students competed in several hilarious events –hopping around on one leg in a ‘cock fight’ competition, racing against each other in a marble and spoon race, coughing and spluttering their way to find the coin in the plate of tsampa, and a tug-of-war which lasted all of ten seconds. The audience roared with laughter at their antics.
活動的內容包括有簡短的演說、讚頌曲的表演、達賴喇嘛與法王噶瑪巴之長壽祈請文的唸誦。那摩布達分校的高年級學生演出精湛的法舞(Cham dance);低年級的學生則參與若干項歡鬧的競賽活動,例如以單腳跳躍的「鬥雞」競賽,以湯匙拿著彈珠賽跑,以口鼻吹氣在糌粑堆裡找錢幣,僅僅只有十秒鐘的拔河競賽等等,他們滑稽可愛的動作,令全場觀眾為之開懷大笑。


But the most popular event, as last year, was the older students’ lion dance. The four young men in the two snowlion costumes performed the most expertly co-ordinated dance routines, combined at times with amazing acrobatics and great humour. Their skilfull performance made the snowlions come to life, shaking their heads and manes, bouncing and flopping over the lawn, bowing, sitting, standing, rolling on their backs, and cheekily winking their eyes.

