法王新闻 | 2009年06月


Nepali Parliamentary Members met His Holiness

地點:印度 上密院
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor

His Holiness with Nepali MPs and Tseten Norbu
(Tibetan MP)

6月23日,由六名尼泊爾議會議員,其中包括兩位女士及藍毘尼基金會主席希達高塔姆(Siddharth Gautam),所組成的團體前來上密院覲見法王。



西藏流亡議會成員左頓諾布(Tseten Norbu),協調幫助此次尼泊爾議員們的造訪行程。

Early on June 23rd, a group of visiting Nepali Parliamentary Members met His Holiness in Gyuto. The party was comprised of six MPs, including two women and Siddharth Gautam, President of the Lumbini Foundation for Development & Peace.

According to Gautam, the Nepali Members of Parliament (MPs) are currently visiting Dharamsala to develop, in the long run, “a deeper understanding of the Tibetan issue and situation”, and to “pave ways to bridge closer relations between the two communities”.

Gautam said his foundation had also been working to realize a “visit by His Holiness Karmapa” to Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha in Nepal.

Tseten Norbu, a member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, based in Nepal, was the one who coordinated the MPs’ visit to Dharamsala.