法王新闻 | 2009年04月


His Holiness Karmapa Studying the Sciences

地點:印度 上密院 Dharamsala
時間:2009年04月11日 April 11, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor

His Holiness studying science. Daniel Goleman
on the right

4月11日,法王噶瑪巴向知名的《EQ》作者、心理學家丹尼爾高曼〈Daniel Goleman〉學習科學知識。在這項特別為法王安排的4天〈8個小時〉科學知識課程中,影星李察基爾也參加了第一天的課程。


His Holiness Karmapa is studying the sciences with Daniel Goleman. For four days, His Holiness will study two-hour long science classes in Gyuto. Richard Gere joined His Holiness on the first day of class.

Daniel Goleman is an internationally recognized psychologist who lectures frequently to professional groups, business audiences, and on college campuses. For many years, working as a scientific journalist for The New York Times, Goleman reported on the brain and behavioral sciences. Goleman’s 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence (Bantam Books) was on The New York Times bestseller list for a year-and-a-half; with more than 5,000,000 copies in print worldwide in 30 languages, and has been a best seller in many countries. Goleman is one of the advisors of the “Mind and Life” conference and has been participating ever since the 3rd “Mind and Life” conference, which was held in 1990.