法王新闻 | 2009年03月


Attend Dalai Lama Special Prayers for Hundreds of Tibetans


地點:印度 达兰萨拉
時間:2009年03月08日 March 08th, 2009

Dharamsala that all the heads of the four Buddhist seect and Bon head attended a prayer meeting. Presided over by the Dalai Lama along with several thousand Tibetans and foreigners including the three pillars of Tibetan government-in-exile, staff members, students attended the great prayer at Tsuglagkhang on Sunday morning to offer prayers for those killed in Tibet since 1989 during protests and demonstration against China.

This prayer was organised by Department of Religious Affairs to pay graditude to those who gave their life and got imprisoned during the imposition of Martial law in Tibet in March 1989.
这场祈祷是由宗教事务部组织的,以悼念在 1989 年 3 月西藏戒严期间遇难和被监禁的人。