法王新闻 | 2009年01月

訪問Mulagandha Kuty寺

His Holiness Visits the Mulagandha Kuty Temple

地點:印度 瓦拉那西
時間:2009年01月22日 January 22, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor

1月22日,上午9:30,法王前往Mulagandha Kuty寺訪問,並參拜寺內供奉的佛陀舍利。寺院住持尊貴的Sumedha-Thero法師於寺門前迎接法王,並陪同法王進入大殿。在法王簡短願文誦唸之後,寺主Thero法師向法王呈獻佛像。




His Holiness visits the Mulagandha Kuty Temple which has the relic of Lord Buddha at 9:30 am. The in charge of Temple Ven Sumedha-Thero welcomed him at the Temple gate and escorted inside, where he made short prayer. Ven Thero presented an image of Buddha to His Holiness.

After visiting the temple, His Holiness spends some time at the nearby Archeological Museum of Saranath where he observed the Archaeology, art and architecture. The head of the museum Mr. Ajay gave details to most of the Buddhist antiquarian remains. This museum consists of significant Indian monuments such as its National emblem.

Saranath is the place where Lord Buddha preached his First Sermon and laid the foundation of his Sangha.

His Holiness appreciated the introduction of the Archeology and returned back to Vajra Vidhya monastery.