法王新闻 | 2009年01月


『26th Kagyu Monlam』Marme-Monlam


地點:印度 菩提加耶
攝影:噶瑪善治、噶瑪諾布 、班瑪歐色多傑



晚上7:00,在法王噶瑪巴帶領下,大眾全體在菩提大塔舉行點燈祈願法會。滿月在天,映照古老的菩提大塔,銀白月光如水流瀉,冬夜的菩提迦耶十分乾爽宜人。今年現場布置由韓國法師負責,他們帶來數百個形 色微妙微肖的蓮花燈,從金剛座前,沿走道兩側拉到入口,堪稱壯觀。





4.英國在家男女居士眾,身穿整齊白西裝、黑裙黑褲,手持蓮花,在英籍喇嘛David帶領,及吉他、小提琴伴奏下,以西式美聲唱頌〈點燈祈願文〉,優美動聽,加上用心準備,誠意感人,一曲唱畢,全場報以極熱 烈掌聲。


現場早已發放一千支手持式白燭型燈泡式小燈,大眾手持隨歌聲旋律揮動,夜色中光影點點,匯成一片如波舞動的燈海,大家在祈願和感動中結束法會,走到門口,還有大祈願法會主辦單位用心準備的小禮物致贈, 包在紅色透明絲袋中的「八國食物」(有印度奶製甜品、台灣麻糬、韓國人蔘茶、西藏粘粑、美國洋芋片、法國牛角麵包、德國牛奶糖、西班牙綜合乾果糧),象徵法王強調的「無分別平等味」。大約晚上9:00,來自 全球56國(主辦單位登記有案)的佛弟子,眼耳鼻舌身意在不可思議的富足感中,步出大塔,結束八天如夢如幻的大祈願法會。

Gyalwang Karmapa take his place in front of the bodhi tree, at the head of the congregation, alongside H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, H.E. Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Zurmang Garwang Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche and many other Rinpoches.

The evening began with the Short Chenresig Puja, All-Pervading Benefit of Beings which has the concluding aspiration.

The Refuge Prayer in Sanskrit and other Sanskrit verses followed.

After that small groups gathered on the steps below the red gate to offer prayers in their own language and musical style. This year a Chinese group came first, then Koreans, Vietnamese, and, lastly, English. The English group sang the prayer “One World, written by His Holiness himself, to a musical accompaniment on guitar and violin.

His Holiness beat a small gong three times. This was the signal for everyone to light their lamps for the Mar-me Monlam. The gelong and gelongma had lotus-shaped lamps; all-in-all there were more than 500 of these. In addition there were 2500 electric candles.

Next came Atisha’s Lamp Prayer. The Gyalwang Karmapa read the first part in Tibetan, Chinese, and English, and everyone repeated the lines after him. The other verses were sung.

May the bowl of this lamp become equal to the outer ring of this world realm of the great Three Thousands. May its stem be the size of the King of Mountains, Mt. Meru. May its oil fill the surrounding oceans. In number, may a hundred million appear before each and every buddha. May its light dispel all the darkness of ignorance from the Peak of Existence to the Incessant Hell and illumine all the Pure Realms of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions so they are clearly seen.