法王新闻 | 2008年12月


Monlam Theme: An Interview with HH Karmapa

地點:印度 菩提加耶
報導:Jo Gibson
攝影:噶瑪善治/ Karma Norbu


原本法王計劃,在佳節前夕送給每一位祈願法會工作組人員佳節禮物,但卻意外收到每一工作小組準備的聖誕卡片和大蛋糕。法王從桌上拿起一張賀卡,打開卡片,傳來一首聖誕歌“我們祝你聖誕快樂”,法王似乎 對這張會唱歌的卡片感到特別有趣,還重覆翻看了幾次。


H.H. smiling from the roof top to
his devotees gathered in the beautiful
garden of Tergar Monastery.
December 24, 2008 by Naomi Levine

From his rooftop apartment at Tergar Monastery, His Holiness Karmapa made a statement about the theme of this year’s Monlam.

‘Last year’s Monlam was mainly about the environment, he said. ‘This year it is to remember kindness for others all over the world, to appreciate all without distinction of race, colour, religion or language. ALL’- he emphasized.

To symbolize that goal, His Holiness said he will take stones from each country in the world, (which have been collected over the past year) and make a mandala to unite the world.

As well, there are prayers which have been composed by ordinary people from different countries, he said. These will be put onto prayer flags so that all of us can see the different wishes of each country. A Prayer Gate will be made to hang them on. Some of the most inspiring prayers will be posted on pillars around the stupa.

As I left, I noticed the newly planted rooftop garden, carefully planned by environmentalist, Lillian Sum. The barren cement expanse of last year was now covered in many varieties of indigenous plants contained in pots. An archway demarcating another area of the garden leads to a bonsai bodhi tree. There are even tomatoes and green salad herbs in a raised bed. The climate here is extreme, varying from cold and windy in the winter to boiling hot in May and June with heavy monsoon rains in July and August. His Holiness is often visible on the rooftop looking down at devotees gathered on the lawn below, blessing all with his powerful presence.

Norma Levine