法王新闻 | 2008年08月

已抵達拉達克弘法之旅首站 ─ Chokwang寺

HH Karmapa Arrives in Ladakh, Sept 9/08

地點:印度 拉達克
攝影:Karma Norbu


  1. Shri Lobzang Rinchen (President of Ladakh Buddhist Association, Leh) LBA
  2. Ven. Konchok Choster (Vice President of Ladakh Gumba Association, Leh) LGA
  3. Shri Chering Dorje (Chairman of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh) LAHDC
  4. Ven Thiksay RInpoche
  5. Ven Takna Rinpoche
  6. P. Namgyal (MLC) Leh
  7. Shri Ashraf Ali (President of Imamia) Leh
  8. Shri Nazir Khan (President of Islamia) Leh
  9. Ven Sanga Sena (President of MahaBodhi) Leh
  10. Director SOS Leh
  11. CRO Leh
  12. Yab Chutob
  13. President of Changthang Tsokpa Leh
  14. President of Nubra Tsokpa Leh




拉達克佛教會會長洛桑日增,與拉達克寺院協會副會長,向法王獻供身語意曼達。法王開示:很高興第二次來到拉達克,看到當地民眾具備了成為佛弟子的條件,佛法的弘揚,將為此地帶來極大的利益。最後法王祝福 此地長久和平吉祥,並祈願此願恆時與拉達克所有居民同在。

HHK at Chokwang temple in Ladhak being
offered Mendrel ten sum.

His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa arrived in Leh, Ladakh, early in the morning to begin a “Dharma Tour” of the predominantly Buddhist region of India.

Hundreds of Buddhists, including Ladakhis and Tibetans, and visiting tourists were seen lining up since early morning along His Holiness’ entourage route leading up to Chokwang Monastery – keen to catch a glimpse of him. During the brief religious function at the Chokwang Monastery, he was offered Mandrel-Tensum and long life prayers.

His Holiness, upon accepting the offering, said that he was very happy to be in Ladakh for the second time.

Describing the Ladakhis as “devout Buddhist,” His Holiness said he has experienced a feeling of receiving great reverence and love from the people of the region during his first visit. “It is my prayer and hope to visit Ladakh and meet the people of this land many times in future,” he said.

HHK is scheduled to give a short teaching for a Tibetan SOS Village School Choglamsar on the 10th of September.