法王新闻 | 2006年12月


『24th Kagyu Monlam』The First day report

地點:印度 菩提迦耶 金剛座/德格寺
攝影:Karma Norbu

12月27日,第二十四屆噶舉祈願大法會正式展開序幕,計有超過四千五百位僧眾、二千位來自世界各地弟子信眾及二千位來自喜馬來雅山區的藏民前來參加此次的祈願法會。傳承上師如尊貴的 蔣貢仁波切、明就仁波切、天噶仁波切、創古仁波切、堪布竹清嘉措仁波切、竹奔德千仁波切及眾多祖古等亦前來參與此次盛會。





The 24th annual Kagyu Monlam commenced on the 27th of December. Over 4,500 ordained monks and nuns had registered by the commencement, as well as 2,000 foreign pilgrims and at least another 2,000 Himalayan pilgrims. The Monlam began at 5:30 A.M. with an amazing procession of 500 monks (Gelongs), each carrying crystal lotus mandalas and meditating as they walked slowly around the outer courtyard of the Maha Bodhi temple and took their seats.

His Holiness Karmapa arrived and invited all who wished to renew their Sojung vows to do so. Once this was completed, His Holiness began teachings on the life of Milarepa The teachings were bestowed with profound clarity and devotion. Next all enjoyed hearing His Holiness and the thousands of devoted sangha singing Milarepa’s “Song of Aspiration”. Dedication prayers followed and the program at the Great Stupa, as the first day of the program concluded.

The next venue was held at the beautiful newly founded Tergar Monastery. After dinner period His Holiness gave teachings on how to meditate. Many eyes and minds were opened.

Following the ceremony, reports began circulating about a climatic phenomenon that many had witnessed after the Gelong procession as attendees were being seated. Lama Chodrak called the phenomenon a “Rain of Nectar”: “In an area about 75 feet in diameter and about 100 feet in front of Karmapa’s throne, shortly after the sunrise, people began to feel wetness. It was not the wetness of a typical ‘falling’ rain. This ‘rain’ just appeared at about ten feet from the ground and then fell to the ground. The drops were of unusual shape and of a very low intensity. Adding even more wonder, the sky was blue. Yes, a rain of nectar fell from a cloudless blue sky, and a blue sky is somewhat rare in Bodh Gaya! The temperature stayed comfortably warm well into the night too.'”