法王新闻 | 2006年12月


地點:印度 創古智慧金剛大學
攝影:Karma Norbu


法王也勉勵學生們要把握受高等教育的機會,好好地用功學習。 教授結束前,法王以短語告誡學生們,無論所做何種善事,都不應該以生氣、嫉妒、比較、或希望貪得別人的讚嘆、肯定來做,我們也不應該太過顧忌或憂慮別人對我們所做之事的評價,最重要的是自己能盡最大的努力來從事利益眾生的事,昔日佛陀亦不能免於受到別人給予的讚嘆、或有被批評的情況,那麼又何況是所處今日環境的我們呢,因此,只要自己是盡最大努力來負責所做之事,那麼對於別人的讚嘆或批評也就不用希求與恐懼了。

On December 12th, His Holiness gave teachings about the Mahamudra (chagya chenmo), as well as the great Kagyu lineage and its masters, at the request of the Kagyu Association of Sarnath University for Higher Buddhist Studies. During the talk at the Vajra Vidya Institute main shrine hall, His Holiness mentioned his happiness at having the opportunity to address students from the Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies at Sarnath University.- Tashi Paljor