法王新闻 | 2003年12月


『21st Kagyu Monlam』Presided the 21st Kagyu Monlam


時間:2003年12月30日 - 2004年1月7日 30th Dec., 2003 - 7th Jan. 2004
地点:印度 菩提迦耶 正觉塔 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhigaya, India

His Holiness presided over the the Great Monlam Aspiration of the Glorious Unequaled Kagyu Sangha (Pal Nyammay Kagyupay Sangha Monlam Chenmo) from December 30 – January


此一年一度噶瑪噶舉傳承上師僧眾和信眾的盛會,每天讀誦「祈願文」(Monlam Choga)和「普賢願王」(King of Noble Aspiration Prayers)。每日最後修「瑪哈嘎拉儀軌」。

在祈願大法會期間,法王繼續教授至尊岡波巴之「解脫莊嚴寶論(Jewel Ornament of Libertion)」,和在晚間對非西藏僧眾們以英文翻釋,開示岡波巴傳統法教。

In addition to presiding over the Monlam, His Holiness also visited with the Dilgo Khyents Rinpoche Yangtsi, toured the Maitreya Project in Bodhgaya, and visited temples and monasteries in the region.
