法王新闻 | 2003年03月


『Dharamsala』Peace and War

时间:2003年3月 March, 2003
地点:印度 达兰萨拉 上密院 Guyto Monastery, Sidbhari,Dharamsala, India

In March, His Holiness resumed his regular schedule of studies, practice, interviews, and public audiences at his temporary residence at Gyuto Monastic University in Sidbhari, India. During a question and answer session with the public, His Holiness was asked some questions by a 12 year old American boy about the war in Iraq. Following is the exchange between them:

Question: Is there a need for this war?

His Holiness: In general, wars inflict great harm on people. While an individual country may reap economic benefits, basically, wars create tremendous fear and defeat the deep wish for well-being and peace that all living beings have.

Question: Will any good come of the war?

His Holiness: War plants the seeds of hatred and revenge. Temporarily, there might be benefits for some people, but in the long term, war creates within individuals a state of mind that is unsettled and unhappy. In brief, fighting wars brings harm to humans, to the planet, and to all the living beings who together inhabit this earth. For all these reasons, war should be avoided and peace should be sought.
