法王新闻 | 2001年12月


His Holiness presides over the Drogen Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya at the end of 2001


2001年12月23~30日在印度佛成道地菩提迦耶,法王主持噶舉祈願大法會(Kagyu Monlam)。在法會中,眾人念誦祈願文及佛陀的法句。法會的目的在祈願世界和平,利益眾生。除了祈願大法會之外,每天也修瑪哈嘎拉(Mahakala)和綠度母(Green Tara)儀軌。

12月28日,法王為往生者祈願,29日舉行「阿彌陀佛長壽灌頂」法會。法王教授岡波巴大師之「解脫莊嚴寶論」(Jewel Ornament of Liberation),並教授西方及亞​​洲僧眾密勒日巴法教。

蔣 貢康楚仁波切(Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche)、國師嘉察仁波切(His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche)、波卡仁波切(Bokar Rinpoche)、卡盧仁波切(Kalu Rinpoche)、明就仁波切(Mingyul Rinpoche)、巴多仁波切(Bardor Rinpoche)、堪布卡特仁波切(Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche)和很多位仁波切、堪布等參加了祈願大法會。並有來自全世界噶舉中心,包括隆德法輪中心、智慧林寺、創古智慧金剛學院、創古札西確林寺(Tashi Choeling, 尼泊爾)共3000多位僧眾;以及從西方和亞洲來的數百信眾參加。

His Holiness led the Drogen Kagyü Monlam in Bodhgaya at the end of December. The vast ceremony required the preparations of monks from many monasteries, including Rumtek, and was attended by many thousands of monastics and lay people. His Holiness presided over all the sessions, and also taught the monastics and foreigners daily from Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation, and on other profound topics.